Sunday, April 26, 2009

No longer a camping virgin!

Tonight I am glad to be back at home. Jack and I had a really fun camping experience this weekend. After a somewhat hectic morning, I headed off to Fort Richardson State Park to join Jack and his fellow Cub Scouts for a camping trip. The drive was nice, and it was relatively easy to get to. I headed straight down Highway 380 and then headed north when it dead-ended into 281. Fort Richardson was less than 2 miles north of that. When I arrived I unpacked the tent and went to work putting it up. My campsite partners, the Amsdens, helped me put up the tent and get unpacked.

When that was done, they told me about the night before and how Jack had done. Apparently, they were a little worried because the boys had told ghost stories at the campfire, and that had freaked Jack out a little bit. I think the story of the Goatman really did him in. To calm down his fears, Darrell took Jack out to the clearing and showed him the stars and other marvels of the night sky. Jack calmed down enough to get ready for bed and go to sleep. Of course the next day was jam packed with a scavenger hunt through the fort. They learned all kinds of neat things that Jack told me about on the way home today. He played with friends, rode his bike, caught crayfish (and knew how to pick them up thanks to his mom) and frogs. He hiked on trails, climbed rocks to see a cave, hiked some more, rode his bike some more, climbed trees and pretty much ran free.

We crawled into the tent around 3 ish to just rest for a little bit. He told me all that he had done and he changed clothes. After a 30 minute rest, he ran out and disappeared with his fellow cub scouts until around dinner time. His den took down the flag at night and he helped fold it. He was quite serious about it and did a great job. After dinner and the campfire (and 3 smores) he announced he wanted to take a shower. Say what? Yep. He wanted to take a shower. So we got his pajamas and soap and towel and headed for the showers. He felt better after taking his shower and we went back to the campsite. We laid in the tent and he told me all about his day and how much fun he was having and that he wanted to do it again. Fine by me, I was having a good time as well.

He woke up about 6:30 and felt very rested. I don't think I totally went to sleep, but felt refreshed when I woke up. The night had been very windy (we were under a Severe Wind Advisory), but where we were was protected slightly so I heard the wind going through the trees. I heard crickets and an owl at one point. It was nice. At breakfast, the leader came down and said that the park rangers had gone to the camps to let them know that there was a Severe Wind and Weather Advisory. By 10:00 there was a 20% chance of severe weather and it increased with each passing hour. That was enough for Jack, he helped me take down the tent. His friends were playing so I told him to go off and play and I'd pack up the car. Just as I was about to go looking for him he came around the corner and said he was ready to go. We said our goodbyes and headed on our way. Just as we turned onto 380 from 281, the rains came early. My son the Bear Scout/Weather detector.

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