Monday, May 21, 2012

Just venting

Okay.  I've reached that point where I need to vent.  I always told Jason, and now Kevin, that when I vent I don't want my problems solved, solutions to be suggested, or miracles to occur.  I just want to get everything out that's been festering inside so that I won't end up like Kevin Kline in French Kiss.  So here goes:

1) I am always amazed when parents begin to take an interest in their child's education when one of several things occurs: a) the end of the year is 2 1/2 weeks away, and/or b) their child could, in all reality, be held back due any number of things.  That has occurred this year, yet again. 

Jason and I always reassured each other (before the kids were born) that we would do everything humanly and/or parentally possible to help our kids do well in school.  Even if that meant getting extra help through the school district or somewhere else.  I have been on Jack's ass since the second six weeks (and I was so totally not alone in this adventure) when he started taking a non-committal attitude towards school because he lacked confidence in math and was unorganized.  The boy was not able to come up for breath, and had to face the dire, unpleasantness of failing a subject one six weeks.  I was also in contact with his teacher and took her suggestions about ways to help him.  If she needed to meet, I didn't come up with an excuse why I couldn't meet.  We even talked about Summer School and then didn't need to even worry about it since there is no summer school for 5th graders (which Jack was not made aware of until about 2 days ago).  Even Kevin got into it with me and the rest of my family.  So Jack had NO WHERE TO TURN and give excuse after excuse.  I'm sure more parents are more like me, but it sometimes doesn't seem like it.

2)  I'm off my anti-anxiety medicine completely.  There were several reasons behind doing this.  1) It was time to get my "big girl panties" on and start facing life and it's troubles like I did before Jason got sick.  Some people didn't think this was a good idea (even my doctor at first) but I think I've proven my point.  I started weaning myself off around Christmas.  By the time I got down to the lowest dose, STAAR was over and the years wasn't as stressful.  Most people thought I should do it during the summer, but I didn't agree.  You see there's not much stress in the summer, and I didn't want to have to go from "0 to Holy Crap" stress and not have any coping strategies.  So, the time between STAAR and the end of the year is stressful in a different way and has allowed me to hone my coping skills.  What are those you ask? I get a message once a month, drink a glass of wine (or Rum and Diet Coke...thanks Kevin!) before bed, or vent with Kevin.  He's a great listener and has now gotten used to my "venting" talks.  I feel like I've been able to handle most stress that comes my way, so that makes me feel better.

3) We Bought a Zoo is a really good, cute movie.  However, I cried most of the time because I (and the kids) were able to identify with the characters.  I with Matt Damon, and the kids with the kids in the movie.  You see he lost his wife to cancer and the kids were about the same age as the ones in the movie.  We all cried when they put Spar the tiger down (he was old).  I mean goodness gracious!  The didn't even SHOW it and we were all crying!  It brought on some good discussion with the kids though.  So it was helpful.

4) No more Mondays in the 2011-2012 school year.  Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!  Come on summer!

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