Friday, April 20, 2012

I don't want to even think about what the third thing will be!

This week has been a very difficult one at our house.  It started off at the beginning of the week on Monday with Jack having a run-in with a little girl in his class.  This girl has NEVER liked Jack.  She lives in our neighborhood but we never see her...Thank goodness! On Monday, she and Jack had a run-in and I wasn't happy to say the least.  It apparently all started in class and she tried to "convince" (that's the only thing I can think of) that a ruler she'd found was his.  It spilled over into the after school program and escalated to the point where she told him if he didn't take the ruler she'd "punch him in the face."  Then she stomped on his backpack and broke his Nintendo DSi.  I wasn't really happy with how it was handled, but that wasn't within my boundary since I wasn't there and only informed the lady at the after school program about it over the phone.  The next day there was an incident where Jack said something that he shouldn't have even though he wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, because someone over heard him and told the teacher who then had to report it to the principal.  We had a very interesting conversation that night, and his frustrations about the bullies at school had finally escalated to the point where he was boiling over. 

As I sat with him and listened, I couldn't help but wonder if this was how some of the conversations had gone with parents of kids who had been bullied and then cracked by either killing other people or themselves.  Morbid, I know.  But still, it did cross my mind.  It was then that I decided that I was going to help Jack by teaching him how to box.  Yeah, I know kinda out there.  But at least he can picture the bullies in his mind and punch the bag and not the kid.  A friend gave me an AWESOME idea that was putting the bullies name on masking tape and taping it to the bag.  That way Jack could "hit" the bully.  So I'll get the bag this weekend and start when he returns from camping with his Boy Scout troop.

After all of that, then it was Caroline's turn.  She said her back hurt yesterday afternoon, but I assumed it was because of her heavy backpack.  It turned out it was her upper back and her lungs were hurting.  We struggled through a rough night, and then my mom was able to pick her up from my school this morning and get her to the doctor.  She got her breathing treatment done and it loosened up her chest so that she could breath.  It's not back to normal, but it's definitely better!  Jack has gone camping with his Boy Scout troop so Caroline and I are enjoying us time.  I'm looking forward to it because she's going to have to take it easy which means I will have to take it easy as well.  Darn. 

However, with that said, I'd hate to think of what the 3rd bad thing will be.  Jason always believed they happened in threes (kinda like the Ticket's Tri-fecta).  Oh well, that's for another day.

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