Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mamma's Got Some Moves

Caroline and I were at her soccer game yesterday and of course as with many a soccer field, the trek back to our car was long.  She and I were passing her soccer ball back and forth when she got a little competitive.  I kept up, running with my fold up chair, passing the ball and keeping it away from her.  It brought back some fun memories of playing soccer and being with my dad. 

At one point, she stopped to get rid of some trash but I kept on going.  From behind me I could hear her running to catch up and the next thing I know, she's trying to edge me out of the way to get to the soccer ball. I was going to have none of that!  I made some move, but we got tangled up and she ended up flying forward (not even spilling her drink) and plopping on the ground.  She was giggling the whole time and I helped her up apologizing the whole time.

As we approached our car she was still talking about that incident and very exuberantly said, "Mamma's still got some moves."  Well yeah, I'm only 40!  Good gosh what is she thinking?!

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