Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Tooth Fairy's Been Busy at Our House

I went to pick up the kids last night from my dad's house and was met at the door by my daughter who proudly announced she'd lost yet another tooth.  I knew this was coming, I just wasn't sure when.  My children's tooth losing process is as different as they are.  Jack didn't lose a single tooth until late in first grade.  Then it was another year before he lost another.  Caroline loses teeth the way they came in.  She'll lose one tooth, and then the matching one on the other side within two weeks.  None of this "lose a tooth and wait for a year". 

Within the last month, the tooth fairy has been at our house 3 times.  Last week because Jack lost a tooth while we were in Austin, two weeks ago for Caroline's first bottom canine, and last night for the bottom right canine.  Caroline was afraid that the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come because of the horrendous storms we had.  But the TF came through and left her a dollar coin.  Hey, it's the first thing she could grab when she realized that she'd forgotten. :)

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