Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break 2012--in review

One more day and the kids and I will return to school to begin the "official countdown" to Summer 2012.  It has been a very refreshing Spring Break, in that there hasn't been tension.  I thought I'd review Spring Break 2012 in segments. 

*The kids and I had a relaxing first few days of Spring Break.  My in-laws took Jack to his Young Marines meeting on Saturday, which gave me time to sleep in and spend time with Caroline.  Kevin and the girls were here so I got to spend time with them as well.  Jack played with his neighborhood friends, while Caroline and the girls played with each other.  Monday saw Caroline having a sleepover with a friend.  Monday was a busy day for everybody in that the kids got their annual Easter pictures taken, they went to my mom's house to help her and play with the next door neighbor kids.  Then we raced back home to pick up Caroline's friend for the sleepover.  Tuesday saw Caroline joining a soccer team, swimming with her friend from the sleepover, then spending the night over at her house.  Now, this was a big deal because this is the same friend's house that she spent the night at when Jason went back into the hospital for the last time. It made my heart happy that she made it through the night.  I really appreciate her friend's parent's patience with us.  Caroline was so excited that she made it.

*I finally got the plumbers out and fixed the pipes that were stopped up.  I also got the car inspected, so Tuesday was pretty much a day to catch up with things I hadnt' had time to take care of.

*We went to Austin early because Jack had Young Marines this past Saturday (or so we thought).  It was a nice visit.  Katie was there with her boyfriend, Nick, so it was good to see her again and meet Nick.  We ended up staying until Saturday afternoon because the YM was canceled because of Spring Break.  But, Caroline got invited to another sleepover Saturday night, so we came back on Saturday.

*I finally picked up Caroline from her sleepover at 5 pm on Sunday, so needless to say she had fun. 

I really enjoyed Spring Break this year.  Way different than last year.  Not as many worries, if you'll remember from past posts.  Going back tomorrow will be nice because we're on the down hill slide.  Only 9 more weeks of this year!  Woohoo!  Can't wait!

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