Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring - A Time for New Beginnings

Yesterday was the first day of the whole "Spring Forward" time of the year.  Luckily for my children and I, it's happening at the first part of Spring Break.  That way we have a whole week to acclimate to the time change before returning to school for the downward slide towards summer.  As a general rule, I dislike the time change immensely.  I mean, if they left it alone then it'd still stay lighter later. But I don't see it changing any time in the near future (at least not until the whole "Fall Backwards" time change). 

For some reason, I have found that I am getting out of my funk that winter invariably brings, but has been really bad since Jason passed.  I got into a Spring Cleaning mode and the recycling people are NOT going to know what hit them come Friday (my recycling day).  It's been a little refreshing to throw out old stuff or finally put things where they go.  I also have a refreshed sense of energy.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm coming out of a cycle of the "mourning" process I've heard so much about, or if it's just Spring.  Maybe it's a little of both.  But whatever it is, I like having the energy to do things and finish them. 

I have a whole week to finish up with the house, so I'm hoping my drive to Spring clean sticks with me that long.  I'm sure it will, but with my record I'm going to have to work REALLY hard at it.

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