Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Break-Up - HuffJackie style

Okay, so back in the fall Jack had a girl ask him to be her boyfriend. The conversation he and I had about that was hilarious.  She broke up with him shortly after asking him because he wouldn't hold her hand.  Better to know that now rather than later.  But when he didn't show any remorse about it what so ever, she asked him to be her boyfriend again, and he accepted.  About 2 weeks ago I asked him if they were still going out and he said they were.  They NEVER see each other at school except during the after school program, so I just thought they'd drifted apart and there was an unspoken understanding that they'd broken up.

Then came today.  Jack got in trouble in the after school program because he'd decided not to participate in the activities because some of the kids were making fun of him saying that he was "desperate".  Come to find out, his "girlfriend" had a friend of hers tell Jack they'd broken up.  Now Jack has always been one who needs to hear it from the person themselves why they are breaking contact with them.  There was a kid in first grade who just decided not to be his friend anymore and started avoiding Jack.  Jack thinking he'd done something wrong kept trying to talk with this kid to find out what had happened, and ended up almost getting into trouble over it.  Jason had gone and talked with his teacher and they found out what was going on.  So because of that "need" Jack was trying to talk to his ex-girlfriend to find out why they'd broken up.  So the other kids said he was "desperate".  The after school lady soon had it settled, and that's when Jack told me what happened.

It was kind of cute because he was saying that his ex lacked something, he used a term I'm not familiar with but could easily be some new term.  He said having a friend do the breaking up is cowardly and worse than texting it.  So we've learned a lesson on how to break up with people, in that eventhough it's hard to do and we often times want to avoid unpleasant things it's better to do it face to face than be cowardly about it.  I reassured him that there were lots of guys out there who could relate to his experience and not to worry about it.  Heck, one of his dad's high school girlfriends broke up with him on his birthday while they were at Disney World on a band trip.

So for dinner we decided that wallowing in our self-pity deserved to be accompanied by comfort food.  Jack chose pizza so I got him a frozen one from the grocery store.  Caroline admitted that her day had been kinda hard too because they didn't get to play some game in PE so I got her Orange Chicken from PF Chang (frozen food section as well).  Love lesson number one learned, hopefully.

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