Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Various and Sundry

* Celery tastes like nothing.  I went to my Endocrinologists appointment last Friday to find out if my thyroid was normal and the nodules hadn't grown.  I was concerned that I still wasn't losing weight eventhough I had my thyroid under control.  I know I don't process stress like I used to, so I started working out at the gym and even got with an old trainer friend and worked out a new program.  I was gaining muscle tone but also weight eventhough my eating hadn't changed much.  So I got a nutrition book and a journal and am keeping track of what I can and can't eat, how much it should be, and a list of foods that fit under each category.  A lot like Weight Watchers, but some of the criteria are different.  For example, carrots under Weight Watchers used to be 0 points (unless that's changed), but under this plan they're not.  Celery is, but GOODNESS! it has no taste.

*Do the Crystal Light To Go packets that are designed for "Energy", "Metabolism", and "Antioxidants" really do what they say?  I don't know, and maybe it's psychological, but I am drinking more water instead of Diet Cokes. 

*Last night Caroline said, "MOM! Did you know that there is a P...I....S....D district?" Giggle, giggle. "I'd hate to got to that district.  They'd always be EXTREMELY angry.....Get it?"  Yeah, I got it.  She makes me smile.

*I hate Murphy's Law sometimes.  Everything broke at my house at once.  Now I have to prioritize what's important and has to be fixed now, and what can wait. 

*Jack starts his new Young Marines program this weekend.  I'm hoping it helps in a lot of areas that Jason would have influenced him. 

*I really like iTunes Cloud.  All of my music stored somewhere in Cyberspace that I can access instead of paniking that if my computer crashes all that music is lost.  Love it!

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