Monday, May 23, 2011

Where has the time gone?

As I fell asleep last night, I was thinking about a comment that Jack had made earlier that day.  He said, "Wow!  The school year has gone by quickly."  I know that he was also referring to the other part of the year that we had had as well.  The funny thing was, I agreed but in a grander sense.  Where has the time gone?

Jack will be in 5th grade!  I'm not sure why that's harder for me to wrap my head around compared to the fact that he's 10 years old.  But it is.  He wants to do Safety Patrol and can't wait for band.  He is going to go to Sky Ranch with mom as the chaperone (instead of dad).  He's almost, ALMOST, taller than me but I can remember when he was 20 inches long, now he's more than 60 inches!  He asked me yesterday what people know him as, I think he was looking for reassurance that he's a good kid.  I said he was known for being a lot like his dad at that age, he was a good friend, and a great Lego building with a good imagination.  That made him happy.  Sometimes at night when he's all covered up and only his face is showing, I can catch glimpses of Baby Jack and my heart is filled with conflicting emotions. 

Caroline will be in 2nd grade!  She's so mature for her age, it's hard to remember that she's only 7.  I went on a field trip with her and she's DEFINITELY the tallest kid in her class (however, her birthday is in September).  She was spouting off facts about the animals that she'd read about in preparation for the zoo trip, and led her group mates around like she was the tour-guide for the zoo.  She asked me what she was known for and hers were quite different.  She's a lot like her Nana, which means she's a lot like me because I'm a lot like my mom.  Caroline's creative and imaginative in that she can draw remarkably well and kicked everybody's behind playing Lego Creationary this past weekend.  She's a caring person who loves every teacher she's ever had.

My kids are my joys in life and my greatest accomplishments.  I am thankful for my late husband for helping to give me these wonderful gifts that have gotten me through this past year.  I love you guys!

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