Sunday, March 27, 2011

Say What? Continued

Periodically my kids will say something that is too funny, or too wise for their years.  Caroline came home from her Adventure Guides campout with the following story:

She was telling me about her campout and all the fun she had (which was a relief because she usually pulls the weepy, I-don't-want-to-go routine before she leaves).  She told me she got to go horseback riding and it was a lot of fun.  Apparently the horse she rode could be somewhat of a bully (in her words) but she handled him just fine.  She got excited about telling me about the experience and it was obvious her brain was moving faster than she could tell me and this is what I heard as we were going to the grocery store:

"It was so much fun mom!  I rode a guy...."  I'm sorry, what did you just say?  Turns out the horse's name was Guy and she'd meant to say, "I rode a horse named Guy." but it didn't come out that way. 

I think they need to name their horses better.

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