Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The things my kids say that crack me up (cont)

Periodically, I like to post some conversations that my kids have that just make me giggle because they're so cute.  My daughter is smart, and I like to think it's because she is very perceptive and has watched everybody around her.  But I'm also inclined to believe that it's genetics as well (her Aunt Kirsten and Aunt Dana are very smart).

This morning I was taking the kids to school and we had to leave early because there was a freeze last night.  It was still in the lower 20's and I figured that most parents would be taking their kids to school instead of making them walk or ride their bikes (I was right, the line was long to say the least).  As we're pulling out of the driveway Jack asks if people can die when it's cold like this.  I responded that yes they could die of exposure when it was this cold.  The ensuing conversation is something that took place after the statement and discussion on what exactly exposure is.

Jack, "Wow, I hope the Hobos found some place warm last night.  I didn't know you could die if it go too cold."

Caroline: "Yes you can.  We read about it in a book.  Frankie Applesauce almost died when it got too cold."

Frankie Applesauce?  I was trying to wrack my brain to figure out who she was talking about.  Jack offered up a question about this person, suggesting someone but Caroline was adamant that it was, indeed, Frankie Applesauce.  But you could hear the doubt in her voice.

Frankie Applesauce? I kept repeating it in my head searching for who on earth it could be.  The whole time Caroline's going over the story again.

Caroline:  Yeah.  He was out and it was cold and the Indians saved him.  They took him in and helped him get better and warm.

As if a light switch (or some heavenly helper whispered it in my ear) went off in my head I said, "Do you mean, Johnny Appleseed?"

Caroline (excitement in her voice):  Yeah, that's him!!!  He's the guy who went and planted apple seeds everywhere.

I commended her on her version of the story the whole time trying not to giggle because it was so cute.  Even Jack didn't admonish her for getting the name wrong.  All he said was, "Yeah, I remember learning about that guy." Then their conversation went off in another direction and all was right with the world. 

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