Friday, December 17, 2010

My kids make me laugh...and cry.

I am having a really great time taking my kids to school.  Sometimes it's trying on the nerves, especially the week before holiday break.  I take them to school three days a week, and my in laws take them two days a week. 

On Thursday, I was taking the kids to my in laws and we passed by the Owens Sausage plant.  Jack made a comment about how sad it was they killed pigs there and Caroline became concerned.  So we meandered our way through the explanation about the types of pigs that were at the plant.  Caroline said, "But Mom!  They can't have pigs there that are going to have baby pigs.  The baby pigs wouldn't hatch!"  That led into another discussion about mammals and how their babies are born. Fun!

Then last night, Caroline had gone to sleep and Jack came out to the couch to read while I worked on school work.  He looks at me and says, "Mom, what do you want for Christmas?"  I hadn't really thought about it, so I hesitated just a little bit.  I told him I was happy to just make them happy getting him what he wanted, and that was gift enough for me.  I asked him what brought that up and he said, "Because without Daddy here this year, you won't have any presents under the tree on Christmas morning."  That made me want to cry.

Jack is having a conflict with some people at school.  They ask him if he goes and sees Jason a lot at the cemetery.  Jack says he doesn't, and then they ask him why.  His response is, "Because my dad's not there."  That is how I've approached it with the kids.  They seem to have come to the conclusion that Jason's body is there, but his spirit is now everywhere and in Heaven.    He thinks that maybe his reasoning is wrong, so I asked him, "Where do you see Daddy?"  His response, "When I look in the mirror."  Of course, Caroline's in the back pulling her best Donkey, "Oooh, pick me.  Pick me!"  So I asked her.  Her response was, "I see him in rainbows.  Daddy always sends me rainbows."

My kids are awesome.  Even when I'm not the best mommy (because I won't do what they want), I'm still thankful I've got them.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them right now.

1 comment:

KC said...

You're a terrific mom, and Jack and Caroline are terrific kids. We are all making our way forward in our own time, and everyone has a different outlook on the cemetery. I'm glad that there is a gravesite for those who feel a stronger connection with Jason there, but I feel like he's with me everywhere I go, and so that location doesn't have the same meaning for me. I hope that people can understand different points of view, but the bottom line is that this is the way I truly feel, and whatever other people may think, I am comfortable in my belief. I'm glad that you're helping the kids to be confident in their own beliefs, too.

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