Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reaching out

That's never been my forte--reaching out.  The way I grew up, you didn't piss of a Castaneda girl.  Mess with someone in my family, and God protect you.  You will never be forgiven, even if the offended forgives you.  It's kind of like when someone hurts one of my children.  My kids will forget the name of the child, but I never will. 

So back to my title. There is this person who I was friends with through Jason.  At some point in their relationship this person drifted away.  I'm not sure why, and neither was Jason. But when Jason got sick we contacted the friend and the friend and Jason had some good discussions, but then drifted apart again.  When Jason passed away the friend chose not to come to the graveside even though they'd been told about it and was totally welcomed, but came to the Memorial service so that's something.  I understand that due to life, things get in the way: pride, embarrassment, misunderstanding, spouses (yes, we all know that can be one of them).  I don't fault this friend for drifting away and I don't think Jason could have tried any harder to keep that from happening. 

The thing is, I get it.  That was one area I let slide during this whole time: Friends.  Life got in the way and I ran out of energy for them.  I've always had a tendency to draw into myself when things get tough or overwhelming.  Just like I did when Jason got sick.  So I'm going to try and be better with it.  I've sent a letter to this person letting them know that when they're ready (it's okay if they are never ready) I'll meet them and show them where Jason is. 


The MAN Fan Club said...

I would like to know where Jason is laod to rest. I would probably take a deck of cards and play a few hands with him.

unt grad said...

No problem. If you'd like, I can meet at Restland any time. Just let me know and I'll be there, and then I'll leave you two to play your game. :)

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