Monday, July 26, 2010

This is my Twilight.

Jack and I saw this trailer at the movies yesterday.  I'm so glad that my son likes Harry Potter.  I know I'm going to have to go see this one a couple of times.  Once to preview it for Jack, the other to watch it with Jack(if it's appropriate) or with a friend. 

Jack has gotten into the habit of grading movies just like Jason and I did.  The movie trailer would come on and when it was over (sometimes on certain occasions before it was over) we'd look at each other and give the non-verbal "yes", "no", "maybe" or "hell no!" look.  Jack doesn't do the "hell no!" look, he just giggles if it's stupid looking which to a 9 year old is the closest thing. 

With Jack there have only been two occasions has it moved into the verbal "We've gotta see that one!" response.  The first one was for Iron Man 2.  At the end of it he grabbed my arm, looked me in the eye, and said with awe, "We've GOTTA go see that one!"

The second one was this one.  He grabbed my arm, turned to look at me, and with the delight and anticipation of a kid on Christmas morning said, "We are GOING to see that one!"

So great marks to the movie company for putting that trailer together.  You've definitely got a 9 year old and his mom eagerly anticipating the next two installments.

1 comment:

KC said...

Jack has great taste in movie trailers! And I like the new background for the blog. Keep up the insights and observations!

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