Saturday, October 3, 2009

Let the Scaring Begin!!!

Today was the first weekend in October, and for some reason the weather has TOTALLY cooperated this year. It started getting cool early and we've gotten some really soaking rains. In fact, it's raining again. I actually got to mow my yard in the middle of the afternoon because it was only in the low 70's. That's right, 70's! So it really does feel like fall.

For some reason, this year, we're getting really into Halloween. The kids got this bright idea, which Jason got excited about, that we should have a Halloween party. As it turns out, it'll be 2 weeks before Halloween, simply because we have a Cub Scout Camp out the weekend before and Halloween falls on a Saturday this year (thank goodness, because from a teacher's point of view it stinks having to take candy away from the kids because they're silly enough to think that they can bring candy to school and eat it in front of everyone). I wasn't too sure about the party idea, but the more we get into it, I'm thinking it's pretty fun.

We got our costumes yesterday. Jack as always was VERY INDECISIVE. At first he wanted to be a wizard because one of his friends is going to be a wizard. Then he saw this cool pinstripe suit with a gun (gangster -think John Dillinger) and that got his interest. However, the boy's sizes were too small for him so we went to look in the teen boys section and those were too small as well (it stopped at a size 14 - pretty small teens if you ask me). So we had to go to the adult sizes to get a costume for him. He settled on an inmate in an orange jumpsuit with the tommy guns (think John Dillinger in jail, but allowed to have guns). Of course, I'm going to have to cut it and hem it because it's too long in the arms and legs, but it fits him.

Caroline on the other hand picked hers out in, I believe, 3 minutes. She's Padme Amadala in her rebel outfit. Of course, Caroline added her own accessories to the outfit with the phaser guns --- a silver, shiny tiara (after all, Padme is not only a Senator but a Queen as well). She helped me pick out my costume -- Athena the Goddess of War. The mulled over the adult costumes for Jason (which is another blog all on its own). I had to claim complete ignorance on some of the gross and totally adult costumes for the guys. Jack saw some racy costumes for women and looked at me, crossed his arms and did the "no way" movement with them and said, "Um mom. You are NEVER going to wear something like that!" and was very decisive with the statement. You can tell he was somewhat embarrassed to be looking at those with his mother. They finally settled on Hercules for their dad. He got into it yesterday and didn't look bad. We had fun dressing up and showing each other the costumes.

Then today, after I mowed, the kids and I set up the yard decorations. I bought one of those blow up things that usually comes out at Christmas. But this was for Halloween. It's Frankenstein and a Witch. She's in a cauldron and keeps sinking into it and then pops out and it looks like the Frankenstein is helping her out. I put a light up pumpkin on the porch, and then a flag. I bought window gels for the kids to decorate their windows with. So it looks pretty good.

I started to get the house decorated, but I'm tired and going to bed now. It got darker earlier (it helped to have the clouds) so I'm thinking it's later than it is. So are the kids! They went to bed about an hour ago. :)

We have this one item that Jason wanted last night at Garden Ridge. It's a ghost that when it senses movement it moves up and down, lights up, and howls. It freaked the tar out of Jack tonight when he turned out the lights in the kitchen. I have a feeling he'll move into our room at some point tonight just like he did last night.


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