Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sometimes he feels like Charlie Brown.

Tonight was Bike Derby night at Cub Scouts. Jack's den was learning about bike safety, bike laws, adjusting your bike to fit better, etc. They ended the night with a one mile bike ride around the neighborhood. Caroline had dance class so Jason took her to that, while Jack and I rode our bikes from our house and traveled to the school where his den meets. I had taken Caroline's bike to school with me this morning and stored it in my workroom so she could ride home with us after dance was over. The plan was for Jason to drop her off at the school and Jack, Caroline and I would ride home. Jason decided to hang out for a little bit, and I'm sure glad he did.

When I heard the boys returning from their bike ride, I went to get Caroline to tell her that she needed to bring her bike to the side, and we'd all ride home. About 8 bear scouts met me and all at once said, "Jack's hurt!" I didn't think anything of it, until I noticed that Jack was no where to be seen (as well as the adult and Boy Scout that went with them). I saw them down the street and they were all walking their bikes back. One of the Bear scouts said that one of the boys had stopped and Jack stopped to avoid hitting him, but the other boys weren't paying attention and ran into Jack knocking him and his bike down and on top of him. I walk down to meet them and I ask Jack if he's okay. In the background you can hear the boys chanting, "Let's go Jack! Let's go Jack! You can do it!" He walks past me and I notice that the shoulder of his shirt is torn and I get the rest of the story from the adult that went with them. When Jack fell, his bike and the other boys fell on top of him and he skidded just a little bit. That's when his shirt ripped and he got the scrape on his back.

Jack checked in with his den leader and Jason and I decided that he should ride home with Jason. As soon as Jack turned around and saw his daddy he started crying. He was hurt and somewhat embarrassed about his shirt. I locked his bike up and Caroline and I rode home. When I got home I got in the car and went back up to school to get his bike (it wouldn't fit in Jason's).

On the way into the car Jack looked at Jason and said, "Why does this ALWAYS happen to me?" He kinda felt like Charlie Brown.

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