Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekend Update

As I sit here, winding down from a busy day, I thought I'd reflect on the busy week we had.

* On Friday, my sixth graders got to go outside for the first time in a week and a half. They acted like first graders when they realized we were going out. They didn't mind walking around on the concrete for 10 minutes (if they went out on the grass we were afraid they'd sink to their ankles).

* I finally got to mow my yard for the first time in 2 weeks. The rain went away (for at least a day or two - should be back on Monday).

* I really like John Mayer's version of Free Fallin'. Haven't really liked the song since it was in the movie Jerry Maguire. Not sure what it was about the movie that turned me off to that song.

* I was sad to hear that Patrick Swayze died. I guess because of the cancer connection, and the fact that he wasn't that old.

* Even though it was the pits with all of the rain, we sure did need it. I was watching the news yesterday morning and saw that we'd received 5 times the normal amount of rain for the month of September, and were way up for the year.

* The rain has held temperatures down (even though the humidity has skyrocketed). However, it's made it nice for September.

* Since this is my second year of teaching math, I was able to get all of my papers into the copy lady at school so all of my copies are ready for next week.

* Jack's week went well. He had a substitute on Monday and Tuesday. Apparently class was a little bit more fun, thought that was telling. He ended up not signing in the book 3 out of the 5 days. His weekly grade for behavior and work habits was an A. :) He surprised his teacher on Thursday. He went up to her during math and asked if he could sit next to her and work for a little bit (we've been working with him on asking for help if he doesn't understand something). She thought he didn't understand the work, but it ended up he just wanted her to tell him if he was doing it correctly. Turns out he knew the work, he just needed the positive reinforcement. Math is not his strongest subject (wasn't mine either) so he needs some confidence building.

* Jack and I finally found a strategy that helped him learn his place value through the 100,000s place. He could draw (which is what he likes to do). Our extra work is helping. I felt bad though, on Friday. Thursday night we did a practice paper with two problems each of the different concepts plus a couple of Objective 6 problems. Apparently the problems I made up were similar to the ones on the test and he told his teacher that he'd done the exact same problems the night before. Whoops. I'd used some of my old materials from when I'd taught 3rd grade in creating the problems. I got online last night to see the test, they actually didn't look like the ones I'd made so I felt better. I told Jack from now on to keep those comments to himself. I don't want his teacher to think I'm copying the tests and then working with him using that. He felt bad.

*Jack scored a touchdown at the football game today. The look of utter shock on his face was priceless. He'd started off as center, and once he hiked the ball he ran into the field and turned around. Everyone else was covered by him (guess they thought the tank couldn't move), so the quarterback threw it to him. The Tank has moves. I don't think I've ever seen Jack run that fast. He looked behind once and saw a kid catching up to him, so he tucked the ball under his arm and turned on the after-burners. He ran about 40 yards to the end zone. Jason missed it because Caroline had decided to be in a royally bad mood so he took her home. Jack scored on the play right after Jason left.

* We've got to call some kid in his class tomorrow. Apparently, this child has not been to the State Fair (Jack goes every year) and Jack invited him to go. So we have to call and see if he can go on October 5th. Should be interesting.

* Jack gets a Bible at the 3rd grade presentation tomorrow. In our church, 3rd grade is when the kids start to learn about the Bible and its lessons. So, the church purchases a Bible for all of the students. Tomorrow is the big day. Jack is pretty excited.

* Caroline wants to be a teacher when she grows up, "Just like my mommy." is her response when asked. The other night we were coming home from somewhere and Jack asks, "Baby Girl, do you want to be a hero when you grow up?" "No," is her response. "I want to be a teacher." I just smiled to myself. Jack, obviously aware that I'm the one driving the car and I'm a teacher, says, "Well, you know teachers are heroes. But I mean the ones that help people." I continue smiling but don't say anything. Then after a few seconds of processing that last statement, he continues, "I mean teachers DO help people, but I'm talking about say Firefighters." "Nope, I want to be a teacher." is her response.

1 comment:

KC said...

Love the story about teachers and heroes! Jack is very diplomatic. I think he may finally achieve Middle East peace someday. And I may have sealed the deal on Caroline's teaching ambitions in a recent conversation when she discovered that lawyers and other non-teachers do not get summer vacation or winter break or spring break. She was at once horrified and full of pity for all us civilians (a/k/a non-teachers).

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