Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Caroline is 6!

My little girl was 6 years old yesterday. She's not so little anymore (she told her dad the other day that Paleontologists studies dinosaurs). When she was born she was 3 weeks early and 7 lbs 1 oz. She had no eyebrows or eyelashes. Today she's a good head taller than the rest of her classmates, and way smarter than I was when I was six.

Her birthday celebration started on Sunday with a little get together of family. It was a Mamma Mia themed party because she loves that movie. My mother-in-law took her to see the musical the Sunday before school started and she knows most, if not all, of the songs on the soundtrack. She wore a beautiful white dress. I think it was originally meant for Second Communions in the Catholic church but she would make her Grammy go look at them every spring, and it reminded her of Sophie in the movie. Grammy even fixed her hair like the girl in the picture of the program from the musical, and she wore her play sandals because Sophie would have worn her regular sandals with her fancy dress.

Yesterday was the actual day. We paid for her class to get an ice cream at lunch to celebrate, and she got to wear a birthday crown at school. I think she's the first kid in her class to have a birthday. We went to Purdy's for dinner because she wanted to go there. When we got home she and I played 5 games of Chutes and Ladders. I'm 0-5 mainly because she made up the rule that the slides were closed for birthday girls (gotta give the girl credit). Then I played 3 games of the Ladybug Game, and 1 game of Fancy Nancy.

Jack had a great day at school so we had hard night at home. It was all bottled up and he had to let loose I guess. He also had difficulty with the idea that Caroline got to go first at the games because it was her birthday. So he didn't get much done I'm afraid.

All in all I think she had a good day. It always stinks having your birthday on a weekday.

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