Thursday, August 13, 2009

Her tooth will probably come out in her in her Fruit Loops.

This is my big girl. She's one tough cookie. She's been through a lot. She's been through her dad's cancer experience twice, her brother (enough said), and bloody noses during the winter/spring. She can sometimes be confident and sassy, but then timid and shy the next moment. She began loosing her teeth last year, well before any of her classmates started. She was quite the celebrity for most of the year because of this fact. Even her brother was impressed. He didn't start losing his teeth until first grade (he was 7, she was just barely five).

When Caroline lost her two bottom teeth, they came out within two weeks of each other. So, when her top tooth started getting loose, we knew that the other one would soon follow. She was involved in an accident at my mother's house, which was totally Caroline's doing -- you know, being a 5 year old, that caused the first tooth to become extremely loose. However, she wasn't ready to get it pulled. She had a dentist's appointment soon after my return from Canada, so I assumed the dentist would pull it. No such luck. She wasn't ready, and he didn't think it would be a problem leaving it in (the permanent tooth wasn't pushing out yet). He said that when she was ready for it to come out it would. So one night, not too long after the appointment, she called my father-in-law to see if he could pull it out. He came over and after some hemming-and-hawing the tooth came out. She was so proud of herself, she said it didn't hurt (Yeah, right).

Anyway, the other tooth was loose as well. But we reassured her that it wouldn't come out until she was ready. It was looking kind of scraggly. She jumped off of the diving board the other day, and when she came to tell me how brave she'd been I noticed there was a little blood around her tooth and gum. I mentioned it was bleeding and she panicked and said she wasn't ready to get it pulled out.

Today we met Jason for lunch at a restaurant here in town. I'd just had my hair cut, so we were meeting him there. While we were waiting for our food, we were enjoying some chips and hot sauce. I'm talking to Jack, who is sitting across from me, and all of a sudden Caroline's tapping me on the shoulder. When I look over to tell her to hold on I see what she's so excited about. There sitting on a tortilla chip is her tooth. We went to the bathroom to rinse out her mouth, and then returned to the table where she proudly showed off her new grill.

Needless to say, she now whistles when she talks. :) That's my brave girl.

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