Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mom and Dad Imposed House Arrest

So today I get up and out. I went to mow the yard. It was a little bit of a crazy morning due to the fact that I'd called the non-emergency police number due to a truck that has been parked directly in front of my house and blocking the walk-way to my house. But that's another blog. I thought I'd mow the yard this morning because a) it was cooler, and b) there's a small chance of rain and it usually happens in the evening as the sun goes down, c) trash pick up is tomorrow, and d) I need to get out the grub worm poison and late season fertilizer.

So, lots to do. Around 9:00 or so the electricity went out. My kids came running out panicked because of the sudden loss of electricity. Jack asked if he could go to his friends house. Sure, I thought. So I continued mowing and watched Jack go to two of our neighbors and then when there was no luck, he walked up the street and around the corner. He didn't come back.

After finishing mowing, I jumped in the shower and got dressed. I sent Caroline down to the house around the corner where the twins live to get Jack and bring him home. She came back and said that no one answered the door but the dog was barking at her. Okay, so there's one more place he could be. We got into the car and drove 2 streets over to the other friend's house, but again, no Jack. We went back to the twin's house and I went around the back since the street in front of their house was closed. They weren't in the backyard, so I sent Caroline around to the front again. Again, the dog barked but no answer. Caroline and I went back to our house and checked with our neighbors. Jack wasn't there and hadn't been there all morning. the son and Jack's friend got into their car and drove around. I went back around the neighborhood and tried to call Jason and tell him to come home because at this point I was worried. We've had alot of people in the neighborhood that don't live here working on the street.

I went back to our house and saw the neighbor's grandson leaving our house so I got out and followed him back to the twin's house. There's the neighbor saying, "Does your mom know where you are?" I look over and there's Jack with the twins. By now, I'm so relieved that he's okay I started crying and just walked back to the car. I thanked the neighbor for going to look for Jack and just kept walking. I went to make sure the house was locked and then got into the car where I calmly as possible explained to Jack why I was worried. He obviously understood the levity of the situation because he started crying. I was very honest with him and told him why I was worried and I think it scared him. We continued on our way to Walmart to get Jack's school supplies and while we were going I told Jack that he'd be grounded for the rest of the day. He could have friends over, but if they left he couldn't go with them. He was house bound for the rest of the day. He didn't like that. Jason had to talk to him because the attitude he was throwing down in Walmart wasn't very nice. The threat of daddy coming home and extending the grounding has kept him in line the rest of the day.

The twins came over and so did the neighbor. Now the boys are going to another boy's house and Jack can't go. They've moved outside in front of our house to play with our air rockets, but as soon as they leave Jack's got to come inside the house. He's very not happy about that.

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