Friday, July 31, 2009

We'll see how long it lasts.

Since traveling to Canada and seeing how outdoorsy they are, I've come to realize a couple of things:
1) There's a big difference between Toronto and Dallas: It's not as hot.
2) In Toronto, there's a lot of places to walk. Things are placed so far away that it's not an option.

Well, since getting back from Toronto, I've decided to try and walk when I can. For example, I had to take the car up to the shop today. One of the daytime running lights needed to be replaced and the oil needed changing. The place we take it isn't that far, so I decided to drive it up there (with Maggie) and walk home. The gentleman at the oil changing place kept asking if I wanted to use the phone and call someone to pick me up, but I assured him it wasn't far (just an hour...right Kirsten?). It really wasn't far, it' was only 2 1/2 miles. So instead of calling Jason and having him come and get me, Maggie and I walked home. It only took about 35 minutes to get home AND I got my exercise in. I like this idea.

1 comment:

KC said...

This is terrific! And it took "just a bit" for you to get home. :) Very nice!

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