Monday, July 27, 2009

Funny Sayings that probably only Kirsten and I will get.

Kirsten and I have kept our sense of humor while traveling in Toronto. So here are some of the sayings we've shared over the last 3 days:

1) It's not far, only an hour. - This was mentioned our first night here. Our hotel is pretty close to Lake Ontario on the southern part of downtown Toronto. The restaurant, Cava, was further north so we took a cab. It was a nice neighborhood restaurant and everyone was very friendly. The manager at the restaurant kept coming by and striking up a conversation with us, and through talking found out we were from out of town (very out of town). Noticing that most Toronto residents are outdoorsy it came as no surprise that he said, "If you want, I can give you directions back to your hotel. It's not far, it's only an hour or so walk from here."

2) But it's Canadian rain. - when we got here it was raining. It stopped by the time we went to dinner, but continued in Toronto on Sunday. That was okay because we went to Niagara Falls where it wasn't raining. While driving through the rain, Kirsten mentioned it was just like in the movie, Enchanted April, where these two women are traveling from England to Italy during the 1920's to take a break from English life and have a vacation. On their way it rained, and one of the ladies who wasn't sure about the vacation in the first place says, "How is this different from London?" and her friend says, "It's Italian rain." So that was our saying, "But it's Canadian rain."

3) But according to the exchange rate... - We applied this to just about everything. We stopped off in Winona so I could use the restroom (this was when we learned that the places weren't right off the highway. You had to travel a couple of km to get somewhere). We stopped in at a Tim Horton's (think McDonald's and the highway - there's one at just about every exit) and Kirsten got an "Iced Capp". When we got back into the car, Kirsten said that it was really tasty but it probably had a ton of calories in it. Then I said, "Probably Canadian calories, but if you take into consideration the exchange rate, it's actually not as much."

4) We went to visit Diagara Falls. - On Saturday night I spoke with Jack and told him to have Jason pull up information on the computer about Niagara Falls because that's where we were going to be going the next day. He says, "Diagara Falls?" I ended up repeating myself 4 times and then spelling it for him before he got that it was Niagara Falls.


JDHTEACH said...

Last year when Dad and I went to Ohio it did not matter where you wanted to go the answer we got was... "about 20 minutes"

JDHTEACH said...

As much walking as you did Kirsten could have 3 iced capps and it would not matter. Remember Hawaii? We put down SERIOUS calories and LOST LBS.

JDHTEACH said...

It's good that you guys will have these memories together with the sayings.

This is a trip you will remember for the rest of your life. I am so happy you got to do this.

But I am so ready to see you.

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