Friday, June 26, 2009

This is probably Musical Heresy but.....

I can't wait for music stations to get back to playing today's music instead of Michael Jackson. I'm really sorry the man died, and it looks like it's going to play out like Elvis' death (in a way). Rumor has it now (according to Ryan Seacrest's show) that Jackson's lawyer said everyone knew the singer was over medicated and that family members were trying to get him straightened out but now it's too late. Toxicology reports won't be in for another week, which means that there will be speculation for another week as to what killed him.

Don't get me wrong, I liked his music back in the 80's. I watched the Thriller video on MTV every time it was on until it freaked me out. But let's face it, he got weird. I'm not sure why it worked for Madonna and not him, but it didn't.

So, enough already. I"m sorry the man has passed away, and the music industry suffers from a void. But honestly, pictures of people paralyzed with grief (people not related to him) crying over shirts with his likeness on it. That's a little much. You didn't see 40 something men pulling out their Farrah posters when the news came that she died. And I know, it's apples and oranges. But come on.

Really? Paralyzing grief? I don't get it.

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