Monday, June 29, 2009

Enough is enough

Today was "Dr. Appointment" making day. I have a couple of appointments that I needed to make for me before school starts. Nothing big. I need to have blood work done to make sure that my cholesterol medicine isn't adversely affecting my liver, and another appointment to see how my thyroid medicine is working. Nothing major, just maintenance work.

However, I did have to search for an ENT. You see, Caroline has long suffered from bloody noses. It used to mainly happen in the winter time. The air is drier in the winter, so we'd have her put Vaseline in her nostril to help moisten it during the day, and then we had a humidifier in the evening in her room. This helped, but it didn't knock it out completely. During the spring and summer she was fine. However, this spring she continued to have nose bleeds and it was whenever I wasn't around. So I figured, maybe she picked her nose or bumped into something when she and Jack were playing rough and that is why it's bleeding. But being home this summer has really helped me understand and see that that's not it. There have been several nights when I would wake up hearing her in the bathroom. I'd get up and go look and there she was bent over the sink with a wet towel and blood splatters on the sink. She would be upset, not because she had a bloody nose, but because it got on the sheets. Last week I was out talking with my mother in law and Caroline was standing right next to me. One minute Caroline's telling a funny story and the next she's rushing in to get a towel because her nose started bleeding. The final straw was this morning when she was helping me cut up a watermelon and her nose just started bleeding.

I searched online with my health care provider but there was no listing for ENT (ear, nose, throat). I looked online, also, at several hospital system websites to no avail. I finally called my sister because she had seen an ENT recently and I wanted to find out how she found hers. Turns out, she went to the one my mom goes to. My sister suggested that I talk to my mom to see if she could call her ENT to get a recommendation for a pediatric ENT.

Lucky for me her ENT sees kids. Since my mom thinks highly of this doctor and my sister liked him I figured we'd make our appointment with him. So, Caroline has a doctor's appointment in July.

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