Thursday, June 25, 2009

Random Thoughts for the Week

The week will be ending tomorrow, at least the work week. And Jason will be coming home, YEA!!! So I thought I'd wrap up with some things that I've been thinking about.

1) Today my mom asked me on what day was I ready for Jason to come home. By that, she meant how long did it take for me to miss him. In all honesty, I missed him the minute he left. I think the time that he was not here, was easier to deal with. I mean, he was in Austin not the hospital. He's still working during the day, so him being gone during that time was no different than usual. However, night was different. But it wasn't horrible. I knew he was coming home soon, and that he was in a hotel not a hospital so that it made it easier. But I am ready for him to come home. I wish it was tomorrow morning and not tomorrow night.

2) It was not an easy week to be my two kids. Jack has done well compared to the last few weeks, but I think he's adjusted to the summer schedule. I feel horrible for him though in regards to his friends. Jack goes to bed around 9:00 or 10:00 at night now, but he's usually up around 7:00 - 7:30. Most of his friends don't roll out of bed until about noon. So he gets bored waiting for them to come by and play. Caroline has LOVED the summer schedule. On Wednesday she slept until 10:00 am. No kidding. I even mowed the yard and she didn't wake up. However, that's bad in the sense that she doesn't go to bed until about 11:00 p.m.. She's just not tired. It's been her week to be a diva (I think she misses daddy). Today, I was in the extra room cleaning and straightening. I was listening to my music and singing (quietly). She came to the door and said, "Mom, that's really annoying me." Say what? Oh no you didn't. It's just been things like that.

3) It wasn't a good week to be a celebrity. Okay, Ed McMahon I can understand. I mean, he's had health problems and he was 86 years old. It's still sad, because I remember watching the Johnny Carson show and enjoying their bantering. He was funny. Farah Fawcet was just plain sad because she had cancer, and that hits close to home. My sisters and I used to play "Charlie's Angels" at home when we were little. My older sister always, and I mean always, got to be Jacquline Smith's character, my younger sister was Farah's character (because she was blonde) and I was always Sabrina. And then there's Michael Jackson today. All I could say there was Wow! Cardiac arrest at 50. Jack saw that on the news and asked questions about it. He's been on a "Making good food choices" kick lately, so we talked about why that might have happened. Although, I read earlier that there are questions. There are always question.

4) I have really awesome in-laws. They paid their yard guy to come and clean out our flower beds for Father's Day. They had the crew clean out the flower beds, trim the bushes, pull up the remaining stumps, rake the dirt forward to even it out, and put mulch down. Then today, my mother-in-law came by and planted some plants in our planters. Yesterday, she even came by and helped me arrange my furniture in the den because it looked a little bare. Plus, she helped me pick out a color of paint for our movie room and sun room, and then helped hang up pictures that had been taken down during our remodeling. Today, they came and hung up an old stain-glass window that I removed from our kitchen window, where it had been hanging since we moved in. Plus, Jason's dad hung up the new mirror for his side of the bathroom. I wasn't sure how it would look, but it looks great! So, I hope they know how much they are appreciated.

5) My entire family rocks. They all contribute to the kids lives as much as possible. My in-laws provide them with a routine in the mornings during the school year. My father-in-law encourages Jack to explore tools and using them in the right way. My mother-in-law helps Caroline look her best and teaches her how to take care of herself. My mother-in-law also makes sure that the kids have experiences that she thinks are important. She has taken them to the water park every Wednesday this summer, she takes them to the movies, and the theater - this Sunday they're going to see Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang at the Summer Musicals. My father-in-law has even gone to do laser tag with Jack. If you knew my FIL you'd understand why this is funny. My sister-in-law helps Jack with golf, and Caroline too (but she's not as interested). My older sister is taking the kids to horse back riding lessons, and takes them on fun trips to feed the ducks, and helps out behind the scenes alot of times. She takes them to San Antonio for M'Cation every year so they have the opportunity. My mom and her husband help out in lots of ways as well. My mom picks up the kids from school on Thursdays to spend time with them and help out. She lets them have sleep overs and eat whatever they want when they're there (if they want macaroni for dinner, by goodness that's what they'll have). Everyone has had them sleep over at their house to give Jason and I a chance to have date night. My dad and his wife pick up the kids on Tuesdays and spends time with them. My younger sister keeps in touch from California and plays with them when she's here. Everybody has helped us out during this time that Jason's been sick. I don't think we'd be this well adjusted if we lived somewhere else far away from them. I know I couldn't.

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