Friday, July 22, 2011

Various and Sundry...

So it's now July, and my summer is almost over (for the school administrators I know, it's already over).  I don't have anything real "blog worthy" so I'll just enlighten you on some of the things that have crossed my mind recently.  None of these are in any particular order, it's just how I think about them.

* I love Texas, but I don't really like Texas summers.  It's been really difficult to stay up with the watering of my foundation to keep the "wonderful" clay soil moist.  I like to be comfortable and have tried to keep the house at 80 degrees during the day, but that's just too hot.  I've made the kids think twice about turning lights on during the day and that's horrible.  But it's the way it is.  We've had 100 degree days almost continually for the month of July and we have experienced one rolling blackout.  I understand the need to conserve electricity, but you know I need to do laundry and I'm already hanging my stuff up in the garage to dry (which is already hot enough so why not!?).  So, I've decided to lower the thermostat to 78 degrees during the day.  If the electric companies don't like that then they can just kiss my arse!

* I"m glad my daughter still likes to hang out with me.  She went with me to the doctor's office yesterday and we had a good time.  I found Radio Disney on the radio and she be-bopped in the back of the car to the music.  It was kind of funny because she was able to get down pretty well to most songs.  However there was one song which had her befuddled.  She was trying to find a way to be-bop to the music but it was kind of a weird beat.  After awhile she said, 'You know mom.  This song isn't very good.  I can't dance to it!"  She was right, it was kind of hard.

* My son opened my car door for myself and his sister the other day.  I about fell over!  Kevin has worked with him on how to be a gentleman and it's wearing off.  Jason would be so proud of his son.  He's doing quite well.

* What's up with this whole debt ceiling thing and why are the ones who work their butts off having to pay for the impasse?  Social Security and Disabled Veterans pensions not going to go out on time if they don't agree?!  I think not.  They should get the average working American to take care of this.  It's time the richer population help out, the government stop spending on really stupid things, and better money management.  It reminds me of the movie "Dave".  I really liked that movie a lot.  Especially when Dave has his friend come in and find ways to make up the money in order to help out a shelter.  Of course no one wanted to give up what they were getting money for, but his friend had said that if he managed his money like our government was, he'd be bankrupt.  Well, duh!    Sometimes I'm amazed our country has lasted as long as it has. 

*In a way, this has been my summer to say good bye.  I've come to the realization that I'm taking this summer to say my good byes to Jason.  I have often found myself unmotivated to even get out of bed on some days.  Last summer I was busy in an attempt to help the kids feel somewhat normal and of course taking care of the estate.  Then the school year was a somewhat hectic mass of stress, which ended up rocky at best at the end of the year.  So, I was constantly going from the time Jason died until the end of the school year this year.  Then, all of a sudden, the craziness stopped.  And I found I had time on my hands.  Lots, and lots of time.  So this has been my mourning summer.  When school starts, I will again be focused on the job at hand.

* I LOVE Pandora radio.  I have created several stations that I find very interesting.  My favorites so far are the stations for Tim McGraw, Metallica, Coldplay, and the one for Film Scores.  Just saying.

* My daughter loves country music (the fast-paced beat kind, not the slow sappy kind).  We got into the car yesterday and the radio station we were on was playing an old Alabama song.  Caroline didn't want me to change the channel, so we sat in silence while the song played out.  It was an old Alabama song.  So she says, "Mom, I don't think I've ever heard this song."  Nope she wouldn't have, I responded.  Mainly because we don't listen to country music often, but also because it was written and sung before she was born.  "Yep, that explains why I haven't heard it before." was her response. 

*But then, I turned down the music and told her about the memories I had just listening to that song.  Memories of a fun summer at my grandparents in Oklahoma.  My mom only listened to country music in the car on the way up there, and Alabama was one of her favorites.  So Alan Jackson, but that was later.

* I went to a happy hour for the students who are on Facebook and went to my old Junior High.  It was a lot of fun.  I took my younger sister with me.  It was fun, and I can't wait to do it again.

So that's it.  Again, a whole lot of nothing.  But it's fun to write about.

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