Friday, May 22, 2009

It really bothers me when...

I know in this economy the job security is major thing. But here's what I really hate. And I bet most of you out there feel the same about your careers.

This past week I had the opportunity to be observed by a gentleman who is working on being alternatively certified to be a teacher. Now, I have nothing against being alternatively certified to do any job. Granted, I went the traditional route -- college -- but I understand that some people decide later in life that their job is not really what they want to do. My teaching partner is a perfect example. She worked for a major corporation for 12 years, I believe, and then decided what she really wanted to do was teach. So, she went through one of the alternative certification programs and now is a really good teacher. But then there are people like the guy who was observing in my classroom.

He came in last Thursday to observe a fifth grade teacher and then myself (he could observe anyone, but preferred 5th or 6th grade science/math). He needed to get 30 hours of observation (at least half could be done online -- I'm assuming watching videos, and the other half in the actual classroom). He needed 16 more hours of observation in the classroom, so he came here (two and a half weeks left in the school year). On Thursday he was in my room in the afternoon and then on Friday he was here all day (he came back to my room on Monday but i sent him to another class).

Here's what he did the whole time he was in my room: He sat at the back table. Just sat and watched. He didn't take notes, he didn't talk, he just watched (which technically is what observation means I know). But I would have thought he would be jotting things down. Nope. He just sat. I noticed several times he was texting in the back of the room on his iPhone.

In talking with him I discovered he used to be a computer technician or something and got laid off. To summarize his decision to become a teacher he basically said that he got laid off and after a year of trying to find a job decided he would go through the alternative program to be a teacher.

All of this REALLY irked me. It was as if he was saying (verbally and non-verbally) that he couldn't find a job so he thought he'd try teaching (maybe until something better came along). He was shocked to see that I have 28 12-13 year olds in the room, and that that was normal (there is no limit in jr. high -- really at our level it's just that our district set the limit). Maybe it's just that his demeanor the whole time indicated that he had no real interest and that he thought teaching was easy. Well, I've got news for him. If it's what you really want to do, it's all worth it. Teaching is just like any other job. If you do it right it takes work. You can't just get into it half-heartedly and expect to do a good job. If you think about it, what other profession has more of an impact on society and future society? You might think scientist, doctor, etc. But teaching is also up there. Granted we don't make a fortune, but if you do the job correctly and well you'll see the benefits of your work for years to come.

Am I alone in feeling like this? Do you get irked when someone thinks they can do your job after observing for 30 hours (half done online watching videos) and taking the state test? It sure did irk me.

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