Monday, December 26, 2011

The Newest Huffman craze

At some point, and I don't remember when it was, we got Lego Rockband.  Jason LOVED this because it allowed us time to spend as a family.  He played the guitar, Jack would play bass, Caroline sang, and I played the drums.  But after he died, we didn't play it as much. We didn't quite have the motivation or desire.  They missed their dad too much.

But I think we have found something that we can do together, the three of us, and have fun.  There are no memories of it with Jason and we can do it together.  For Christmas, my mother-in-law gave the kids Dance Central 2 for the Xbox 360 Kinect.  We have had so much fun with it.  When Kevin and the girls were here, they had a blast.  The kids even got a preview of it when we visited friends of ours in Elgin and they got to play the game. 

I've even discovered there's a fitness part to it.  So when it gets to cold to go outside or if I want to do something different, I can do that part of the program.  It's quite a good workout actually.  But more importantly, it gives us something to do as a family.  It feels like it did when we played Lego Rockband as a family.  We have fun, laugh, and dance (instead of sing).  But we're doing it as a family, and then the kids sleep well at night.

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