Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer reading

I love my Nook.  My older sister got one for me as a gift last year, and let me tell you it's addicting.  It has allowed me to continue my summer reading tradition that has been going on since I was 11.  During the summers, I'd go to my grandparents house in Chickasha, Oklahoma (where the winds go blowing down the plains... Sorry, got sidetracked) and when it got too hot to play outside in the afternoons we'd move inside and play.  Sometimes I didn't like to play what my sisters and cousins were playing so I'd start reading.  Now keep in mind that it was my grandparents house.  The only thing that they had in abundance was Reader's Digest and Harlequin novels (my grandmother LOVED those books).  I'd grab a book and start reading.  The really intimate parts of the stories I'd skip over because they made me uncomfortable. :)

As the years progressed and I spent less time at my grandparents, I still made a habit of starting off each summer with a week long homage to Reader's Digest and Harlequin.  I'd get five books and read over the course of a week (it really wasn't that hard to do).  It cracks me up looking back on it how risque the Harlequin novels were compared to some stories today.  But up until today (after all I am blogging about it) I kept the fact that I still read Harlequin novels to myself.  I always thought people would look at me funny and laugh. 

So I just got finished with my last Harlequin novel of the summer.  I bought five of them from Barnes and Noble (they're only like $3 each) and have read them all.  They're quite predictable so they're easy reading.  Sometimes I find myself giggling at the really intimate parts not because they make me uncomfortable.  But rather because I'm sitting there thinking the language they used back then was kind of funny (compared to the intimate scenes in some books today), but yet they were considered somewhat trashy.

So now I can move on to my crime dramas.  They come next in the summer reading list for me. The tradition continues.

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