Monday, November 22, 2010

Just like the old days!

I'm so excited.  I gave my students a pre-test on fractions recently.  It served two purposes.  I wanted to see who could use a little enrichment and didn't have to sit through the boring lessons and what topics I didn't need to spend a whole lot of time on. 

So this past week, I grouped the students up who had made a 100 on the test and presented them with a project.  They were members of a production company.  I elected the President, and the president was responsible for keeping everyone on task.  I then presented them with the following problem:

     You are members of a production company that specializes in making educational videos.  A school in Texas has just sent a request for a video that helps explain the difference between Factors and Multiples.  They need the video completed by the end of next week, which poses a problem since next week is Thanksgiving.  Using the list of deadlines, create a video that fulfills their request.

The students have been working really hard on it.  Their incentive is to do well enough on the other concepts in class and on their homework so they can stay in the group.  I told them that the grade would be for math and reading (they had to write a script).  I remember being able to do this in years past before the state tests made it difficult to do.  I'm really proud of their work, and I think they are too.  They want to show the classes their video when they've edited it.

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