Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby G is 7!

7 years ago today, Jason and I were heading to the hospital because Caroline had stopped moving and had dropped.  I'd been having contractions for weeks, but was able to get them to stop by resting.  My doctor had said to come in because we lived in McKinney at the time and with rush hour traffic might get caught in a bad spot.  So we loaded up Jack in the car and headed to Dallas.  We dropped Jack off at my in-laws and headed down to the hospital so they could check out Caroline and make sure she was okay. 

We had to take the side-roads because an 18 wheeler had jack-knifed on the highway and caught on fire.  The traffic was horrible, and as we were sitting in it at a red light Jason looked at me and said, "Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not in labor."  About 10 minutes after we got to the hospital and I got hooked up to a monitor, the nurse came in and said we wouldn't be leaving until Caroline showed up because I was, in fact, in labor.  I just looked at Jason and he said, "How was I supposed to know."

Caroline was the easiest baby, compared to Jack.  Where he didn't sleep through the night consistently until he was 15 months old, she slept through the night 3 days before Christmas (3 months).  I actually had time to make a bottle when she was hungry, as opposed to Jack who went from zero to pissed within 3 seconds of waking up.

Fast forward to her 7th birthday: It  will be one that she remembers for a awhile.  The electricity at her school went out that day (thanks to all the rain from the remnants of Hurricane Hermine).  She got to eat lunch in the dark, which she thought was cool.  Then came the tornadoes.  There weren't any at our house, but two went through downtown Dalllas.  I was at an inservice and my phone rang.  It was my stepmom who was like, "The sirens are going off. We're getting into the bathroom."  Then came another phone call from her asking me to talk to the kids.  I could hear Jack in the background saying, "I"m too young to die!" and Caroline, "I want my Mommmmie!" 

The only way I got Caroline to calm down was to take her outside when I got home (and the storms had passed) and show her the rainbow.  Since the Alabama trip Caroline associates rainbows with her dad.  So to her, daddy had sent the rainbow over our neighborhood to show us that they were going to be okay.

Birthday celebrations commenced after that, and by 8:30 she'd passed out, pen in hand laying on her bed.  She had started to draw a picture of her birthday, but fell asleep.

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