Monday, August 9, 2010

You're kidding right?

Okay.  I think I've been extremely patient with the new kids in the neighborhood.  They come over at all hours of the day looking for Jack.  One time they came over at 8:30 at night and stayed for an hour.  I understand it's summer, but come on.  There have been a couple of instances that I think would make Jason shake his head in disbelief and would have provided countless blogs about the experience.  So here it goes instead.  You make the call.

1) One day, the kid Jack's age comes over.  He rings the doorbell and asks if Jack is at home.  Because I don't let Jack play T or M games on his video consoles or watch anything over PG-13, he usually goes to someone elses house to play.  No problem there.  So I open the door and am ready to say that Jack's not here.  Instead, I get this onslaught of questions that I politely answer.  Before he can ask another question, I slide in that Jack is next door.  The kid looks blankly at me and says, "Next door?"  Yep that's right, next door.  "You mean next door?"  Yep, that's right.  NEXT DOOR.  The kid backs off the porch, looks down the street and says, "Next door at D's house or next door at A's house?"  Confused because A lives 2 doors down, I repeat, "He's N-E-X-T  D-O-O-R."  That's right, he's at D's house.  His response, "Ooohhh.  You mean NEXT DOOR!"  OH MY GOODNESS!  I felt like that joke, "Who's on First?"

2) Tonight the kids are at my mom's house.  They are going to spend the night, but Jack was disappointed that I didn't pack his Nintendo.  Too bad there buckoh.  So, I'm laying down reading and the doorbell rings.  Then it rings really fast, like the code the kids and I have when the door's locked and we need in.  It keeps ringing, not even letting up while I walk down the hall to the front door.  I'm thinking, "Jeez Jack.  I know you wanted your Nintendo, but goodness!  Calm down a bit."  But instead of Jack's face beaming at me through the door, it's the new kids in the neighborhood.  So I open the door and I say, "Okay.  I know you're new and I like that you come to play with the kids, but the rules of society state that when you ring the doorbell of someone else's house you only ring once.  If they don't answer by the time you count to 30, you can ring ONCE again.  If they don't answer the door, they're not home."  I know it sounded rude, but I'm tired and my mouth hurts (I went to the dentist today for a cleaning for the first time since Jason's diagnosis so it took some work).  The kid then actually has the nerve to say, "Well, you're never home."  NO Joke!  I explained that all of our family lives close and the kids enjoy spending time with them.  So tonight they were at their Nana's house.  If I hadn't thought that the constantly ringing doorbell was my son, I wouldn't have answered the door, because I wasn't expecting anyone.  I was very nice about it, believe it or not.  I even explained about how the dog door works so the dogs can go in and out of the house and not pee everywhere inside (because the younger kid was intrigued about how it worked and how you blocked it off).  They asked if Jack would be home tomorrow and I responded he would be.  But thought as they left that he'd probably be somewhere else.

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