Friday, August 6, 2010

To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help Me Santa Claus.

A couple of weeks ago I took the kids to have lunch after dropping off a friend of Caroline's at her home.  As we're sitting at the table, enjoying our meal (keep in mind it's July at this point) and after Caroline gets up to get more of her drink, Jack turns to me and says, "Mom.  I've been thinking.  I need to know the truth.  Is Santa Claus real?"

Well crap!  There it was.  The question that I'd been putting off an answer to for at least a year, hoping that Jason could talk to Jack one on one and give him the spiel he'd been planning.  Jack had been questioning it since this last Christmas when his evil friends mentioned something about it.  I had successfully turned the question around on him and had tactfully danced around an answer, but Jack was already thinking about it.

So after a couple of distractions for Caroline (sending her off for stuff) I answered it the best way I knew how--tell him what I really believed.  I explained that the magic of Christmas was something that gave people joy.  There really had been a St. Nicholas at some point and I promised we'd look him up.  He seemed a little devastated (I mean who can blame him, not long after his hero died so did his idea of Santa Claus) so I told him what I believed.  I mean really believed. 

So here it goes (in case you wanted to know):  Yes there is a Santa Claus.  Actually I believe there are millions of Santa Claus' walking around.  The idea of what St. Nicholas stands for is in the hearts of millions of people around the world.  Giving gifts that people want or need is what the idea is about.  Giving something that will bring joy or an easier time is what it's about.  That's what Santa Claus is about really, and that's what St. Nicholas stood for back in the 3rd and 4th centuries.  So if you ask me if there's a Santa Claus or if I believe in Santa Claus the answer will always be yes, without a doubt.

I did however promise Jack that if he told his sister this tidbit of information he wouldn't get any presents for Santa Claus mom this year.  I meant it and I think he knows it.

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