Friday, August 20, 2010

This will be my "M" necklace.

You'll need a little bit of background for this one. Bear with me.  When I was little, not sure how old, I was so proud of the day I was able to use my allowance to buy my mom her own birthday present. Up until that point, I'd depended on my dad to do that, and then I'd sign the card.  Well, this one time I decided that I would buy my own present for her.  So when we went to the store my older sister helped my younger sister and I with the presents we wanted. 

I was so proud of my purchase.  I'd bought her a necklace with a charm that had her initial on it: M.  So the big day came and it was time to open her presents.  As she opened her present she did what most moms do when they get a gift that they don't know exactly what it means, she oohed and awed over it.  Then she said, "Tracey, this is a beautiful necklace and I love it!  But what is the M for?"  I happily responded, "It the first letter of your name:.....Mom!" 

Now wonder she was confused, her name starts with a J.  But bless her heart, she still wears that necklace and tells everybody how she got it.

Fast forward to yesterday: The kids were dropped off at school before we had to leave for Meet the Teacher at their school.  They were excited to go and see their classrooms, but I had work I needed to get done in mine before we left.  Now, the problem with my kids (and I'm working on it) is that often times they'll pick something up to play with it and then when they're done leave it wherever it is that they are at that moment.  Not necessarily back where they got it (sound familiar?).  So I was getting frustrated at having to remind them to stay in the classroom, not draw with the dry erase markers, put things back, etc. and still work in my room.  Caroline came up to me with a $2 bill and asked if she could go get popcorn.  "Sure, you go right ahead.  Take your brother while your at it."

They came back so excited.  Jack said, "Now mom.  The popcorn didn't cost $2, and we got change.  But then we saw this on the table and bought it.  We used the rest of our money (ie My money) to get you this."  What was it?  It was a silly little pin that had a picture of Wonder Woman on it. 

So why did I tell you the story of the M necklace and that it was similar to the Wonder Woman pin?  Jack summed it up perfectly when he explained it this way, "We got you the pin because that's what daddy called you.  Remember, he said you were Wonder Woman because you did everything for us, and you did it great.  When you look at the pin, you'll remember who you are and think of us!" 

I'm going to keep that pin forever. 

1 comment:

KC said...

This story is great for so many reasons! First of all, the kids were thoughtful and giving (even if it was your money!) to see the pin, think it through, and get it for you. Second, that the kids see you as Wonder Woman has to be an affirmation for you that you're doing a great job as Mom (with a capital M). Third, Jason lives on through the kids, and through all of us. His words resonate, and those kids remember what he told them and, as importantly, what he taught them by his actions. I think we all are better people living better lives because we carry Jason with us. Thanks for sharing this story!!!

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