Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vacation Memories

Eventhough vacations can be stressful (especially with small children) and things don't always go the way you want them.  For example: It rained while we were at the USS Alabama and the pool at the hotel was closed so the kids couldn't swim.  Fun!

But since I've been home I've thought about the wonderful memories that I'll carry with me from the trip.  Here are my top 10:

10) We're in the middle of the Battlefield tour when we drive by a heavily wooded area.  The kids are getting restless because after all there's nothing totally exciting happening.  Kirsten exclaims, "Hey look guys!  There's a tree that fell in the woods!"  I immediately respond, "Hmm.  I wonder if it made a sound."

9) We leave Dallas and immediately Caroline asks, "Are we there yet?"  Nope.  Every 45 minutes or so she'd ask, "Are we there yet?"  Then she finally stops asking, "Are we there yet?" and starts to ask, "Are we out of Texas yet?"  She continues this every 30 minutes or so until finally we are out of Texas and into Louisiana.  She stops asking so we assume she sees we're out of Texas.  Finally in Shreveport she looks out the window and says, "Hey!  We're not in Texas anymore!  Where are we? Ooohh Louisiana."  20 minutes later...."Are we out of Louisiana yet?"

8) We're trying to choose where to eat for dinner.  Jack votes for pizza from Dominoes.  I say, "No.  We're on vacation.  I want to eat at a place that we can't eat at at home."  Okay, but he really wants pizza.  So he says, "Look!  There's a Mr. Jim's!  We don't eat there at home!"

7) We're trying to find somewhere to eat in Vicksburg that we can't find at home so we eat at a place called McAllister's.  We were so proud of ourselves until we looked at the take-out menu and discovered there were several in Texas (at least 2 within 10 miles of us!).

6) I was so excited to show the kids some of the country.  Jason wanted to drive everywhere we went so he could see the diversity of the United States.  However, the states along Interstate 20 from Dallas to Jackson, Mississippi looks about the same.  I'm sure it was diverse, but there were a TON of trees that blocked the view and wouldn't show you the country side.  Jack declared on the way back, "If we ever come this way again I'm flying!"

5) Just across the border from Alabama to Mississippi there was a big sign that advertised the location of a store.  It's main draw: Yu Gi Oh cards and Knives!  Gotta love Mississippi.

4) Exploring the USS Alabama and USS Drum with Jack and Caroline and M'Kirsten.

3) Exploring the Battlefield at Vicksburg with the kids.  They were very interested in the history.  Jack even connected the dots when trying to figure out why Vicksburg was so important to the North.  He was standing on an overlook that showed the Yazoo River and he said, "Oh I get it!  Whoever controlled the river controlled who went by in their ships!"  EXACTLY!

2) We're driving back from Mobile and Caroline is watching a movie in the backseat.  She says, "Mom, can you let me know when it's been 3 minutes?"  Why sure!  I totally forgot to let her know when 3 minutes is up and 10 minutes later and 6 gas stations passed she says, "Has it been 3 minutes?"  Oh darn!  "Yes, Caroline it's been 3 minutes.  Why?"  "Because...I have to go to the bathroom."  Great!  No bathrooms in sight!

1) As we cross the Texas border everybody in the car cheers and Jack says, "Finally we're HOME!"  We turn on the radio and it's "Hey Soul Sister" by Train and we all sing along.  It was a wonderful moment.

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