Sunday, June 20, 2010

Murphy's Law or Jason's Sense of Humor

Okay, so the kids and I decided to take a picnic out to the cemetery and celebrate Father's Day with Jason.  I packed water balloons and helium balloons and we stopped by Kentucky Fried Chicken and got lunch.  The kids were pretty testy all morning, and argued a lot, but it's only because they missed Jason so I tried to be patient.

We got out to Restland and got everything set up.  I blew up some of the helium balloons and tied them to Jason's picture.  We lit our Off candle and sat down to eat.  Shortly after we started eating the sprinklers came on, but no worries, they were watering the other side and not us.  Jack was pretty smarmy and was trying to pick a fight with Caroline, who kept yelling at Jack to be quiet or scoot over or something really insignificant like that.  I kept reminding her that we were out in public and in a relatively quiet place so she needed to hold it down, and I told Jack that I understood where it was coming from but it wasn't doing anybody any good.  We already felt as badly as he did. 

We continued eating until Jack said, "Umm, mom?  I think it's coming this way." and sure enough here comes the sprinkler all the way around.  We got wet to say the least.  As the kids go running to the car I'm left there, with Jason's picture, to save lunch, the balloons, the camera, the candle, the colors, the paper, and the drinks.  I got drenched to say the least.  So we finished eating lunch in the car.  Funny Jason, really funny.

Then we wrote notes to Jason about Father's day to send up to Heaven (because we all know Heavens is in the sky).  We tied them to our balloons and found an open area and I took the kid's pictures.  We counted to three and the kids let go of the balloons.  It's amazing how you can look so excited and feel so silly at the same time.  Why?  Because our balloons didn't go anywhere!  That's right, the paper was too heavy for the balloons.  So I tied three more balloons to one message and Caroline let it go---right into the tree.  A really nice guy helped us get it down and sent it on it's way.  Then Jack tied two balloons to his balloon and sent it on it's way--right into a Crepe Myrtle.  I think it eventually flew away.

So decide not to do the water balloons there and told the kids to get into the car.  Jack immediately goes to one side and sits in the car so Caroline can't get passed him.  Instead of going to the other side (because you know cars have two sides to them which means there are two doors that you can go through to access the back!) she pushes on him and screams for him to move.  At which point I swat both on the bottom and tell them to get into the car and I don't care if she's sits on his lap, just get into the car.

So now, I'm depressed because the picnic didn't go the way I'd envisioned it and the gentleman who helped me get the balloon out of the tree stops me to ask how I like it at Restland.  They're trying to decide where to buy plots because his mom just passed away and he'd brought his dad out to visit (they couldn't get to the spot because of the sprinklers as well).  What am I supposed to say?  Yeah, we love it here!  So I gave my standard answer, "Yeah, we like it here.  The service is great, there's history here.  My husband and I both grew up here, so it just seemed to fit.  And it's closer for us to visit and bring the kids to see their dad." 

I do have to say though that the kids did seem to feel bad.  Jack and I had a good conversation in the car about Jason's passing.  But that's another blog.  So either Murphy's law was in full effect today or Jason just has a sick sense of humor and thought this was all too funny.

Oh yeah, and the water balloons?  We threw those at each other when we got home.  Turned out nobody got wet except the car and the tree.  I got hit with a couple of balloons but they bounced off of me and onto the ground.  They didn't burst then either so the kids threw them at the tree.  They didn't break then either, but did when they hit the GRASS!  Whatever.  Jason again.  Funny, Jason really funny.

1 comment:

Amye Wilson said...

Traci, I'm sure Jason was laughing his ass off today watching all of this. I'm glad you had a plan for the kids even thought it didn't goes as expected. I'm an amazed at your spirit through all of this. I saw a quote the other day that said "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." At least this first Father's Day is over and now you've got a new day tomorrow. Here's to one last laugh with Jason! :) Amye

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