Saturday, June 12, 2010

The apron strings got cut a little bit more last night

Jack has always been a homebody.  Since Jason's passing I have noticed slight changes in Jack's behaviors about being out of the house.  Forever Jack has always had grand intentions of spending the night at people's houses, but other than family that hasn't really happened.  As soon as the sun went down he'd change his mind.  He would always rather be at home than away (I'm finding out a lot of people were like this). 

Yesterday was the last day of Twilight camp for this year.  Every year, the older boys in Cub scouts plus the Boy Scouts camp out on the last night.  A lot of boys in Jack's den wanted to do this, so he wanted to as well (during the day).  Thursday he announced that he didn't want to do the camp out.  There were many reasons he gave, but most boiled down to not wanting to be away from home.  In the end he decided to stay.

At about 10 o'clock I got a phone call from one of the dads.  I thought it was to come and get Jack, but it was to tell me about what time I should pick Jack up in the morning.  I was happy to hear that Jack was having a good time at the bonfire and was content to stay.  However at midnight my phone rang again and this time it was Jack.  Apparently, (and I loved this comparison) it was "hotter than Egypt" at the campgrounds.  Jack pleaded with me to bring him a fan (code for: come get me out of here).  I told him a fan wouldn't help because they had no electricity so he just needed to go lay down and tell daddy to send him a breeze.  Defeated on so many levels, Jack agreed and hung up.  The phone rang again at 7:30 this morning with a really excited Jack on the other end.  "I made it!" was the exclamation I heard.  I asked if he was ready to go and he said he was, so I went to get him. He was so proud of his accomplishment and told me all of the things they had done last night at the camp out.

He just got out of the shower.  He was so dirty it was gross, but he was happy.  His confidence level went up about 3 notches as a result of this camp out.  I'm so proud of him.

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