Friday, April 30, 2010

You're not in Kansas anymore!

So the end of the week is here and boy am I glad. I always hate the time right after TAKS test(Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills). There are many reasons (which I know is a total treasonous statement from a teacher).

1) For starters, they kids think their year is over. They know that we've taught everything they were supposed to know for sixth grade so it's over. Well, tap the breaks there people. I'm now teaching 7th grade stuff. It's stuff they need to know when they get in to next year, so they need to know it.

2) They expect a party. A party for what? I guess I've been teaching older kids so long I forget that most kids need to have that incentive. I had several students ask me what we were going to do to celebrate the fact that TAKS was over. I couldn't tell them how I was going to celebrate (because it had to do with liquor), but I told them the fact that it was over was enough for me. I reminded them that they were technically considered middle school and that in middle school you really don't get parties for anything. They'd already had 2 parties (Winter and Valentines) and were going to have another one --the end of the year.

3) Motivation - for both teachers and students wanes right about now.

4) There are no more days off between now and June 3rd. That totally bites the big one. It's like the arid desert between now and the end of the year.

5) Behavior tends to decline. Our school reaps what it sows during this time of year. No hard discipline (and I mean ISS, OSS-- not corporal) takes place all year long so the kids go Ape-Nuts because they know nothing is going to happen to them.

That's just five things I don't like about this time of year. But there are some silver linings: TAKS is over and there are only 5 more weeks until the end of the school year.

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