Thursday, December 3, 2009

"You probably get this all the time but..."

I had to go to Target tonight to get some things for Jason. As I'm looking up and down the aisles for something, I whip around and run into this gentleman. I smile and apologize for not being aware of my surroundings, and move on. As I turn onto another aisle, there's the gentleman again. He looks at me and says, "You probably get this all of the time, but...Did you used to teach at _________ Elementary?" I reply that I did and he says, "Well hi! I'm _________. You were my sixth grade teacher."

Well thank goodness! I was afraid that it was going to be some stupid pick up line and I was NOT in the mood. First of all it's six o'clock at night and I want to be home, not at Target. Second of all I'm TIRED. It's been a long and EXTREMELY trying day at work, I was ready to be home and then had to turn around and go to Target. Then I had to look forward to tutoring my son in math, reading with my daughter, and doctoring my husband because what he needs help with he can't do himself. I had coached Caroline's cheer group and Jack's basketball team last night, and was looking forward to relaxing. Not facing the possibility of being hit on in Target.

As I look at him I can see the kid that was in my Social Studies and Science classes. He's obviously changed. He's much taller than me now (which isn't hard) and he's 23 years old! It sounds like he's doing well and he seems happy and excited to see a former teacher. He was on his way from work to go have dinner with his parents. I told him to tell them hello for me and he walked off.

It's nice to see former students. It lets you know that you had a hand in helping to mold this kid and he looks like he turned out quite nice.

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