Thursday, December 3, 2009

There is a God and he's all about justice!

Okay. The last two years at school I had the pleasure (and if you could type sarcastically that would be how I typed "pleasure") to teach two sisters. Two years ago was the one sister, and lat year was the second. To give you an idea of the situation let me give you some background: the family rented a house in the neighborhood and had moved from a DISD school a good distance away. When I had the older sister, they had just moved after the Winter Break. The younger sister was in the grade below ours. The younger sister HATED the teachers on the grade level and told her mother that she (the mother) was going to put her in her old school ---which the mother did. The older sister was a piece of work. She went to ISS (in school suspension) several times and could have gone to the alternative school had the year lasted longer --which thank goodness it didn't. The mother was on several different medications for certain things and hated coming up for meetings because we often times confused her and she didn't like that feeling. She got confused when we'd say things like, "Your child has a hard time staying focused." or "Cell phones are not allowed to be on during the school day." or "So and So is struggling with the concepts of fractions." Yeah, that's confusing. The daughter even told us that her mom quit her job because, "...she didn't like people telling her what to do." Oooookay.

Anyway, things go missing as the year goes on but no one can prove who's taking the stuff. So, the year ends the girl goes on to junior high and we look forward to a year without the family. However, the year begins and the younger sister is back. There is much drama throughout the year and not much is done. We have to tolerate when the mom trashes us and accuses us of being unfair to her daughter and not thinking about her best interests. So the end of the year came and we were glad the family was gone. If we sent this girl to the office for discipline issues the mom would claim that we were treating her unfairly.

I found out today that at some point in the last week four of the family members (two of which were the two I'd taught) had been arrested for stealing from a local store. I'm sure they were caught on surveillance video, but they'll try and dispute that as well I'm sure.

Oh well, it's society's problem now.

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