Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Festival of Lights - Oklahoma Style

Yesterday the family plus Aunt Sara piled into the SRX and headed north of the border. We were on our way to Chickasha, Oklahoma to see the Festival of Lights at the city's park - Shannon Springs. We made good time - 3 1/2 hours (we stopped for lunch) and driving it was like old times. Most towns along the way haven't changed much in the 8 years since I'd been there. You see, that's where my parents are from and where my sisters and I spent many summers and holidays. My mom's parents lived there until they died - well, my Grandpa passed away there but my Granny was taken to Tulsa to spend her last days with her eldest son. My Grandpa died the November before I got married, and my Granny passed away the August before Jack was born - August 14, 2000 (she didn't want to pass on my mom's birthday the 13th). We took Jack to see the lights when he was 23 months old, but that was the last time I was in Chickasha (we drove past the house but didn't go in).

We met my Uncle Jim and Aunt Sherry and their youngest daughter, Jenny, and her daughter Jocelyn. They have been working to fix the house and then they're going to sell it to the neighbor Richard (he helped look after my Granny before she moved to Tulsa). We had originally wanted to go just to see the lights, but it evolved into going and seeing the house too. I have to be honest here, I wasn't looking forward to that part. I wasn't sure what to expect, I mean, I'd never seen it without their furniture in it. To be honest, it was strange. It somehow smelled the same.
Jocelyn, Caroline, and Jack got along swimmingly and had fun running out the front door, around the house, and in through the back door. Caroline and Jocelyn sat underneath the basement stairs and played their Nintendo Dsi's. Jenny took the kids to the playground across the street from the house (just like old times), and then took them to the playground up by the old Jr. High (the building burned down as a result of two kids intentionally setting it on fire). The kids got a kick out of seeing Nanna's old room - it seemed somewhat larger with the furniture in it, but was now empty and small. I couldn't go into Granny's room, not sure why, but I couldn't. The car port seemed smaller than I'd remembered - Granny would pull her car out and we'd roller skate around it while Barry Manilow's Copacabana played and Uncle Buck watched from the basement window. Caroline and Jocelyn climbed the tree outside of the back porch -- the same one Doug and Clay stuck Jim D. in when he wouldn't apologize for something. The evergreen bushes on the edge of the property were now neatly trimmed, instead of full and low when they doubled as tree apartments for Sara, Kirsten and I.

We all sat around and visited, had dinner, and then went to the Festival. Caroline rode with my Uncle Jim so she could play with Jocelyn. At the park, we got out and the kids ran around. We bought gifts at the gift shop (the old city pool), and then went across the lit bridge. Jocelyn and Caroline ran all over the place, and Jack and I stayed back. It was fun seeing him enjoy the lights and remembering his excitement at 23 months. Uncle Jim gave out some interesting facts about the springs (there's only one flowing right now) that gave the park it's name (Shannon Springs) and about his first "date" with Aunt Sherry.

We bid everyone goodbye when we returned to the car and drove out of town. I was reminded that I come from a long line of women who took/take care of their men (all the way back to Great Grandma Vanpool). I also learned that a Great-Uncle of mine was still alive and well in Bowie. As we left Chickasha, I found myself teary eyed. I remembered how I'd felt every time I left Granny and Grandpa -- and in a way I was leaving them again.

I'm glad we went, because it was nice seeing everything. But if I go again, it will just be to see the lights. 1325 South 6th street just isn't the same without George and Lillie Mae Knight.

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