Monday, October 12, 2009

What to do?

Okay. There are days when I'm satisfied with things as they are, and then there are days when I think, "What the H---? What were they thinking?!!!" By "they" I mean the women of the 70's that said they wanted it all. They wanted to prove that a woman could do everything: have a job, a family, and a life. And not only have it all, but do it all and do it well. Sometimes I'd like to just throw in the towel and say, "I"m done."

Today is one of those days. I wear many hats. I'm a wife, mom, teacher and sometimes cook, oh yeah, and don't forget taxi to all the practices. Thanks to my sister and mom I gave up the house cleaner hat. So that's three jobs (I lump taxi to mom duties, and sometimes cook to wife duties since we share). So far, I've come to the realization that I can't be all three and be great. If I'm a great teacher and mom, I suck at being a wife. If I"m a great wife and mom, I suck at the teacher. If I'm a great wife and teacher, well, that's not a combination I choose.

When's the time for me? Apparently there isn't any. I know, I know, all of the gurus say you should make time for yourself, but I'd just like to strangle those gurus and say, "What EVER!" There aren't enough hours in the day, and I'm tired of trying to figure it out and failing miserably. It was pointed out to me today that I'm failing at one of my three jobs.

I give up. I can't do it all even though I'm expected to, and I'm done. I can't fail at my job, I need the money. I can't fail at raising my kids because, in the wise words of Steve Martin, "There are no do-overs.". I can't fail at my marriage because I just can't. So where does it give? I don't know, but I do know that I have failed, or am failing miserably in one of them. It can't fail at me, because if I fail at me, then I fail all three jobs. It has to be me that's failing, because it can't be anybody else. Right?

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