Friday, October 9, 2009

Ummmm, I think I got the wrong report card

So, on Wednesday my son gets his report card. Caroline won't get hers until next six weeks, it's just a kindergarten thing. Anyway. So, I pretty much know what his grades are so I don't argue when he snatches it out of my hands and opens it up. This is the conversation that followed:

Jack: "WOW! I got a 94 in Social Studies! WOW! I got an 84 in Math. I thought it would be lower."

Me: "You did a very good job Jack."

Jack: "Mom, what's phi-sicle ed-u-cayshun?"

Me: "You mean Physical Education? That's PE."

Jack: "WOW! I got a 4! I never got a 4 at Dartmouth!"

At this point he flips the report card over to look at his behavior. It doesn't say, "Behavior" instead it says: "Individual and Civic Responsibility".

Jack: "Okay. I found it. Ummm, mom? I think they gave me the wrong report card." He flips it back over. "Nope, there's my name."

Me: "What's the problem?"

Jack: It says I got an "S" (satisfactory). But I should've gotten an "N" (Needs improvement).

Me: "Wow, Jack. I guess it's because you've made such good progress."

Jack: "Wow. I've never got an S before."

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