Friday, October 16, 2009

I love it when the kids go with me on walks.

Okay. So Jack and Caroline have started the Marathon Kids program. It's a really good program in that it gets kids moving. They turned in their forms this week, but unfortunately we won't be able to attend the kick-off tomorrow (soccer and flag football games). Tonight, I asked them if they wanted to go on a walk with me and Maggie around the block. Both were gung-ho about it because they know that my "walk" is about 2 miles, but tonight we were only going one time around so that was only 1 mile. I like these walks because the conversations that we have a classic and it's usually when I find out what's going on with them. So here's basically what happened on our walk tonight (things I found out and conversations either we all had or the kids had between themselves):

- Caroline told us about her entire field trip to Owen's Farm's Pumpkin Patch.
- Jack talked about his favorite part of the day: lunch.
-Jack talked about tomorrow's football game and that he needed to wear purple.
- In the next breath, he said, "I'm sure glad I have both arms fully grown. It'd be hard if I only had one. But I could still do things. But I'm glad they're both there."
-Caroline talked about the horses she saw at Owen's farm as we passed by the stables in our neighborhood.
-Caroline commented that the lightening jitterbugs were probably too cold to fly, but at least they could flash their bum-bums (as she called it) to keep warm.
-We saw a bike that had been left out on the sidewalk and both kids worked together to put it on the porch of the house that the bike had been in front of.
-Jack then dropped a small, black piece of his Lego thingy he brought with him and so he and Caroline were on the sidewalk looking for it (finally found it).
-Caroline commented that she was glad she lived in a house because it was quite chilly outside.
-Jack asked if I'd remembered the major solar flare that hit the Southern Hemisphere in 1985. I had to say that I did not remember.
-Jack mentioned that the guy who'd shot Lincoln was paid to do it. Then he mentioned that some distant relative of his on his Pa's side, someone named L. Jackson Huffman, had fought for the South (didn't know that one. I thought he was making it up, but he said it was his Pa's great-great-great grandfather or something like that).
-We talked about the school carnival tomorrow.
-Found out that a friend of Jack's has supposedly dumped him (invited someone else to a drag race - darn it!) Caroline then agreed with Jack that his friend was "dumb" (she misunderstood "dumped" for "dumb". She thought he wasn't nice to her when they all went to the Fair.)
-Jack teased Caroline about her Field Trip Buddy (her center buddy in class) because the buddy was a boy. He quickly apologized for teasing her, but I don't think really meant it.
-Then Jack started talking about poison dart frogs and what would happen if one escaped from the Dallas Aquarium. At which point, I think, a twig poked through his Croc and he feared he'd been poisoned. He told Caroline he wasn't ready to die because he had a lot more life in him. Caroline concurred and said she thought he had about 31 more days in him. Which then freaked him out and he said he thought it was more like 92 years, to which she responded, "Yep. That's a long time."
-Finally we made it home (all alive) and then they decided to name our Halloween Blow up Cat - Bluster (combo between Buster and Lucy).

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