Saturday, October 31, 2009

I understand you need to make money but...

I had to take my dog daughter to the doctor today because she's got spots on her where there's no hair. She's been kind of scratchy lately, so it was suggested that she had a staph infection. Knowing full well what was going to happen when I got to the vet, I was a little hesitant to go. But, we needed to know what was going on.

So, Caroline and I took Maggie to the vet. When I got in there they started telling me what it could be and that the heartworm medicine I was giving her wasn't enough for her weight. They wanted to give her a heartworm test along with a couple of other things. At this point I had to say something. I told them I'd only budgeted a certain amount for this and i couldn't go over it because I didn't have any more money. I felt bad having to say this, but I have found that if you don't speak up they'll do whatever they can. So basically this is what went down: they checked her weight, checked her for fleas (none found), cleaned out her ears, found an ear infection. They gave me the "cheaper" ear medicine that I would have to apply twice a day for a week, plus the Omega-3 medicine for her skin (they think her spots are caused by an Omega-3 deficiency). All told I spent $135 for that.

And there were things that they wanted to do but wouldn't. For instance, she's gained 5 pounds in 2 months so they wanted to check her thyroid. Why? Because of the rain and the other things I have to do I haven't been able to take her for a walk as often as we were doing. Plus, it's started getting colder so she's not as active in the backyard. I don't think there's a thyroid issue. Then they wanted to check her for heartworms because she's been getting the wrong dose. They can do that again some other time. But if I'd done those tests I would have easily spent $300. For what really, I'm not sure.

1 comment:

MJP & SJP said...

It's getting to the point where people will need pet insurance to take care of their pets.

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