Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween fun.

The Muskateer and the Convict are now snuggly tucked into bed and I'm winding down from a busy day. Halloween was fun tonight.

Jack went out to play with his friends and stayed there most of the day. He passed on dinner at his Grammy and Pa's and I know it disappointed both them and Jason. His costume stayed the same as the one from the Halloween party--the convict. It's easy to put on and it didn't get hot, so it was nice he kept the same one.

Caroline on the other hand decided she didn't want to Senator Queen Amadalah. Instead, she wanted to be a Muskateer from Barbie and the 3 Muskateers. The only problem was we didn't have the costume. Thank goodness she likes to watch Noggin. Today on Little Bill, Little Bill wanted to be Captain Brainstorm for Halloween but there were no costumes. So he wouldn't go trick or treating. But at the last minute, he went around his house and collected clothing and other items to put together to make a Captain Brainstorm costume. So referring to that, Caroline and I created a Barbie and the 3 Muskateers costume.

We took one of her itchy tutus that was long and put that on over her jazz dance pants (she doesn't like itchy things). Then we took her blue Cinderella nightgown and put that on over it. Then, we she wore this sparkly shoes that I think her Nanna gave her. She got her dad's sword from his costume and we covered it with aluminum foil to make it "shiny" and she was set. She didn't have the hat to go with it, but she wore a crown instead.

We set out shortly before it got dark to go trick-or-treating. We took our dog, Maggie, with us and walked from house to house. We never saw Jack and his friends, but we saw plenty of interesting people. She took along one of her pillowcases to put her candy in, just in case her bucket got too full.

She did very well in the candy department. So now the kids have dessert for lunch for awhile. Both kids had a great time and after going by Grammy and Pa's to show them their loot, they went to sleep. Caroline set a new record -- she went to sleep before her brother. But he wasn't too far behind.

1 comment:

KC said...

I love that y'all brainstormed her costume -- creative AND a memory she'll have forever! And M'Kirsen definitely can empathize with Caroline's aversion to itchy things. :)

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