Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jack the Thinker

This is Jack. He's my more contemplative child. He thinks about things a lot. You can always tell when he's been thinking because he gets serious. Now, Caroline is a thinker too, just not as deep as Jack sometimes. But hey, she's 5.

For example, Jack has been asking me (and Jason too) looking for reassurance that Jason and I will never get divorced. You see, my parents divorced when I was 15 years old and Jack has some friends whose parents are divorced. I always reassure him that we won't because I made a promise to his dad that we would be married until "death do us part." The first time I had to explain what that meant, but he understands. Over vacation though he asked again and I gave him the same answer. He then asked if Nana and Papa (my mom and dad) had made the same promise. "Yes, but there's a story behind why that didn't work and when you're older I'll explain," was my answer. He pushed for an explanation so the best I could come up with was the beginning of a conversation my mom and I had after she and my dad got divorced (of course I simplified much of the language for his 8 year old mind). Basically, marriage is hard work. They both worked at it, but when trouble came they both dealt with it differently. One looked for a solution, the other one got stuck and couldn't find a way out. And due to circumstances of the time, it was better they divorced. But, I reassured him that wouldn't happen with his daddy and I. We'd already worked our way through big trouble and were a better married couple for it.

Then there was the fighter pilot conversation. After visiting the USS Lexington, Jack thought he wanted to be a fighter pilot. But then while spending time together he informed me that he didn't want to be a pilot. Why? 1) His plane could blow up, 2) Even if he ejected he still might be shot by the enemy, 3) What if the ejection seat didn't work, 4) He could be captured and tortured. Now, these were all of his reasons not mine. Then he went through his reasons for not becoming an airline pilot. 1) what if his plane crashed, 2) he'd be responsible for all the passenger's lives, 3) his plane could blow up. Again, these were his reasons.

Also, the conversation about his trip to San Antonio with my sisters. 1) what if the plane crashed (well, he wouldn't be in the air long enough for it to crash or explode), 2) what if I don't have fun (yeah right!), 3) what if I miss you and Dad (give me a call).

Then there were conversations with other family members. He once asked my dad which animal swam deeper: the squid or the octopus?

He wanted to be a secret agent but decided against it. He once told me he was going to join the Navy and no other branch. He also told me not to worry, "You don't get shot at in the Navy."

I guess maybe Jack is more of a deep thinker (for an 8 year old) because of what he's been through with his dad's cancer. He used to wonder how he would find me and his dad in Heaven when he dies. I had to come up with this elaborate explanation about a GPS system and early warning detection for me to let me know his soul was on his way to Heaven and that his dad and I would meet him at the gates when he arrived.

All of this from an 8 year old. I don't remember wondering about any of that stuff when I was 8.

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