Friday, July 10, 2009

Vacation Day 3 - Thursday

(I should have posted this last night, but the hotel was having technical difficulties)

Today was a lazy day of sorts. We didn't do much. After breakfast, the kids and I got into our suits and headed down to the beach. Our mornings usually follow a simple routine: breakfast, clean room, get on suits, pack the mama train (chairs, masks, towels, and sand buckets), beach, pool, inside to rest. Today was no different. We usually start off at the beach because it's farther away and we can go straight to the room when we're done swimming. Jason usually joins us at the pool because the sun hasn't gone above the hotel yet, so he doesn't get burned.

Today at the beach, Jack overcame his fear of jellyfish, sort of. He's been scarred by the visions of the jellyfish on SpongeBob Square pants (apparently they electrocute - so he thinks they'll really do that). Today he took my hand and walked into the water with me (he'd done it last night as well). Of course, I was the "human shield". He walked behind me and kept telling me to "keep an eye out for jellyfish" as we stood in the water. I was actually surprised that I could see the bottom, we weren't that far out but still. I had make sure that when I said, "Here comes one," I instead said, "Here's comes a wave."

After about 45 minutes at the beach we headed to the pool. We swam for about an hour and the general rule applied, "You make each other scream, you irritate them, or Jack makes Caroline scream, then we're out!" After going to the room and showering, we got dressed and went to lunch. I guess swimming in the ocean and pool for about 2 hours makes one hungry, especially if you're 8 years old because Jack out ate Jason. We went to Whataburger and Jack had a hamburger, medium drink, some of his fries (not many), half his dad's hamburger, and part of his sister's hamburger. And, he was hungry for dinner.

We went back to the room and relaxed some more and then the kids and I went out to practice "souvenir" shopping. Jack has had a really hard time with the concept. I've been trying to get him to understand that a souvenir is something you get to remember your trip. He usually wants to get some toy that we could easily get cheaper at Walmart where we live. So we headed out and traveled to 3 places. When I realized that he got the concept of souvenir I was so happy I spent a little more than I should. Then I let the kids pick out something that we could remember our trip as a family whenever we saw it and they picked out some crystal looking thing with dolphins etched in it. It was cheesy I know, but they agreed on it (which is unusual right now) so I got it. Of course, we each got a shark tooth necklace.

We went to the beach and pool again before dinner and had a lot of fun. We found this really good place to eat. It's a little expensive, but we were eating breakfast at the hotel and lunch in the room (up until today) so we could spend a little at dinner. It's called Johnny D's and it was on Padre Island. It's funny how some memories you don't think about for years, but then something happens and you remember them. That's what happened tonight. My family and I used to go to Padre during the summers when I was little. I don't have total complete memories, just snippets and I thought about all of these while we drove to dinner. I had time. It was quiet because the kids immediately fell asleep while we were traveling to the restaurant.

When we got home we went down the beach as a family. Jason can go at this time because the sun is behind the hotel so it's shady. We stayed for about an hour and then headed back to the pool. The kids and I spend some time swimming with Jason watching. Baby Girl went in early because she was beat, and Jack and I kept swimming. Apparently there was a HarHar Thursday special of Chowder on Nickelodeon that Jack talked about constantly during dinner and I told him that if he went in he could catch the end of it. He totally surprised me by saying, "That's okay mom. I can see Chowder any time, tonight's our last night of vacation. I'll spend time with you."

We packed a little before we went to bed. Tomorrow the return trip home. I actually can't wait.

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