Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a Day!

Today was a little bit different than the one I experienced 12 years ago. 12 years ago, I was working my way towards marriage by keeping busy with last minute luncheons, hair appointments, and general organized chaos. I started off the day sleeping in. I went with my family to get my hair done for the ceremony, and then jetted off to a wedding day luncheon. Upon returning home, we were all hoping to experience some "quiet" time before the onslaught of photographers and getting to the church on time. But what we came home to was the entire side of one family yucking it up and having a grand ole time in the swimming pool at my sister's house. I guess they figured we weren't answering our phones because we didn't hear the ring at the house, so they'd come on over and find out what was going on. But instead of finding us at the house and thinking, "Hey, no one's home. Let's go back to the hotel and rest for a little bit and then come back when they get home," they decided to go swimming in my sister's pool. Anyway. They eventually left to go back to their hotels and get dressed, but the photographer showed up just as they were leaving. So much for the quiet time. The rest of the evening was a whirlwind of activity and matrimony. The reception was a BLAST! We finally headed off to the Melrose around mid-night and left everyone else there to party. I think my wedding planner (aka my older sister) and my younger sister went out for a drink later. I think Jason and I finally had our dinner around 1:30 a.m. in the form of a care package the catering company had packed for us knowing full well that we wouldn't have eaten anything.

This year, today was far different. I awoke at 7:30 a.m. to hear Jack on his PS3. The dogs were rustling out in the backyard, and Caroline was outside dancing and singing to her captive audience -- the dogs. It was my Sunday to teach Sunday School and Caroline stayed in my class this time. It was her turn to come to my class because she'd been to hers 2 times without arguing. This Sunday School was different mainly because they were doing a ground breaking for the extension of the Education Wing. After that Caroline and I went home and changed clothes so we could all go to the movies. We decided to go see Monsters vs. Aliens with the gift card we received. Thank goodness we used it. The movie was in 3-D and cost us about $40. Thank goodness for the $25 gift card. I do have to say though that the 3-D movie was awesome. I've never really experienced a 3-D movie quite like that. And the glasses were much more advanced. But I digress. After that we went home and rested for a little bit, and then went to a fish fry Jason's dad was having with some of his buddies. When we got home to get dressed up, Caroline had no problem. She chose the dress she'd worn to church. Jack on the other had took on a whole new demeanor. It was kind of like a Jimmy Buffet attitude. He was "dressed" up in his shirt and shorts - Hey there were khaki shorts. After threatening to leave him at my in-laws while we and Caroline had a nice dinner he grew less cantankerous. It was only when we were at I-75 and LBJ did he realize it wasn't going well in his favor, that he changed his tune and gave up the good fight. For the first time in my experience with the restaurant we went to, we had a horrible waiter (waitress actually) and left her a tip that reflected the service (it was over 10%). But tonight this day will end well before 10 p.m.

However, in looking at what all I have now compared with 12 years ago the trade-off is fine with me. I have a wonderful, thoughtful, and somewhat ADHD in certain areas husband, 2 really great kids, a job, a house, 3 great dogs, a wonderfully supportive and caring extended family, friends, and our health. I'd take now any day of the week.

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